Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1858 Isn’t it just a woman? What’s so interesting about it?

As soon as An Yiqing left, the three beauties surrounded Su Yijing and said, "Brother, we want to vent our anger on the third brother."

Su Yijing only found it funny: "Why are you so angry? Didn't everyone apologize to your third brother? It's just that your third brother hasn't recovered yet. You three brothers have always dreamed of having three wives and four concubines, and now you have a daughter." She wants to marry him as a concubine, which is a big blow to him. Once he recovers, it will be fine. "

"Really?" The three beauties didn't quite believe it.


After receiving Su Yijing's affirmative answer, the three beauties believed it.

However, the little beauty An Yiqi became curious and said cheerfully: "Brother, I want to see what that Feng Feiyan looks like, and he actually took advantage of the third brother."

An Yilin and An Yizhi immediately echoed: "We want to go see it too!" If An Yiqing hadn't been asked to marry him as a concubine, they wouldn't have been curious about Feng Feiyan, but now that they have, they are really interested. Curious about Feng Feiyan.

"Isn't it just a woman? What's so good about her?" Obviously, Su Yijing disagreed.

"Brother, just promise us. We want to see that Feng Feiyan, really." The three beauties looked like they were expecting Su Yijing to agree.

Su Yijing still refused to let go.

An Yiqi then said: "Brother, if you don't let us see Feng Feiyan, then we will avoid you and go see him secretly. If something happens to us during that time, you won't be able to explain it to your father and mother. ”

Su Yijing rarely laughed: "Are you threatening your eldest brother?" In the past, you always negotiated terms with him, but now you are threatening him. He is the fifth brother.

An Yiqi immediately smiled playfully: "I didn't want to threaten brother, I just wanted to see that Feng Feiyan. Third brother was really angry just now. We really want to see her. Brother, just promise us, okay?"

Su Yijing did not answer immediately, but looked at An Yilin and An Yizhi and asked, "Do you really want to see them too?"

An Yilin and An Yizhi immediately nodded heavily, "Yeah!"

Su Yijing finally agreed: "Okay, I'll take you to the post house to meet her later. But I have a condition."

The three little beauties immediately asked: "What are the conditions?"

"I will listen to my brother more from now on."

"No problem." The three beauties agreed immediately and readily. Anyway, they already listened to their elder brother, but now they just listen to their elder brother even more. There is really no problem at all.


Su Yijing brought the three beauties to the door of the post house. He first showed his token as the eldest prince of Xiyun. When the guard guarding the gate of the post house saw the token, he immediately saluted and let them go.

Seeing that everyone in the way had moved aside, Su Yijing entered the post house with the three beauties.

"Brother, why don't we have your token?" the three beauties asked Su Yijing as they entered the post house.

Su Yijing said expressionlessly: "You have it, but I haven't given it to you yet. You can just follow big brother now. You don't need this token. When big brother is no longer with you, he will naturally give you the order to go anywhere freely." Card."

When the three beauties heard this, they immediately said innocently: "Then we don't want the token, and the eldest brother will always be by our side."

Su Yijing's lips curled up slightly, and he touched the heads of the three little beauties: "You think so now. When you grow up, you will be annoyed by your elder brother."

"No, we will never find the eldest brother annoying. The third brother is the most annoying. You see, none of us dislike the third brother."

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