Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1860 Want to get the lost heart back

"Do you know what I want to do now?" Before Feng Feiyan could answer, Su Yijing said again: "I want to kill you."

He said not to let him see her again, but in the end, he still saw her.

He really didn't expect that the Five Phoenix Empress would be her.

If it weren't for the three beauties from his family clamoring to see her today, he probably didn't know when he would know this fact.

"Yijing, I" was locked tightly around the neck, making it difficult for Feng Feiyan to breathe.

Before Feng Feiyan could finish speaking, Su Yijing asked with a ferocious face and angrily: "Can't the three men in your harem satisfy you? They still want to marry my brother!"

He was too angry and his mood was too complicated, so Su Yijing said what he said without hesitation.

Feng Feiyan originally wanted to explain, but when she heard Su Yijing say that none of the three men could satisfy her, her face instantly turned pale and she didn't want to explain anything. This Xiao Yijing was unfamiliar to her.

Extremely unfamiliar.

She even suspected that this was not her sweetheart Xiao Yijing.

Xiao Yijing would never treat her like this. Xiao Yijing would never treat her like this. How could Xiao Yijing say that to her. How could Xiao Yijing lock her neck and look like he wanted her to die? Xiao Yijing will only be kind to her. Really, Xiao Yijing will only be kind to her.

Involuntarily, Feng Feiyan's tears fell down.

Feng Feiyan had never cried before, this was the first time.

Suddenly, Feng Feiyan became excited, extremely excited. She grabbed Su Yijing's hand that was locked around her neck and asked urgently: "You're not Xiao Yijing, right? You're not Xiao Yijing, right? You're not him, right?" "

Xiao Yijing would only be nice to her, but Xiao Yijing would really not treat her like this.

Su Yijing was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Feng Feiyan to question him. Of course, he was just stunned for a moment, then recovered and sneered: "Of course I am not Xiao Yijing, I am Su Yijing, Xiyun The great prince of the country.”

"I knew, I knew," Feng Feiyan laughed, cried and laughed, "I knew you were not him, I knew you were not him, not him."

Su Yijing's face became even colder. He wanted to take back the hand that was locking Feng Feiyan's throat, but when he saw that Feng Feiyan was still wearing the peach core with a red string on his left wrist, he tightened his grip instantly. Feng Feiyan almost died from Su Yijing's hand that was locked on Feng Feiyan.

"Didn't you say you're not my Qingqing? Then why are you still wearing this?!" Before Feng Feiyan died, Su Yijing grabbed Feng Feiyan's left wrist as if he was crazy and wanted to snatch Feng Feiyan away. Peach pits on non-smoking wrists.

The red rope was a dead knot and very strong. Su Yijing couldn't stop tugging at it, so he turned around and went to the dressing table to find a pair of scissors, intending to take back the peach core he gave her.

It seemed that in this way, he could get his lost heart back.

Her neck was no longer locked. Feng Feiyan finally recovered and saw Su Yijing holding scissors to cut off the red rope peach core on her hand. She immediately pulled her left hand away from Su Yijing's hand.

Precisely because she was so uncooperative, the scissors did not cut the red string, but cut Feng Feiyan's wrist.

"Hiss" Feng Feiyan immediately hissed in pain. As for her left wrist, there were two deep wounds on the top and bottom due to being cut. The wounds kept bleeding out, and the blood kept dripping on the ground.

Extremely shocking.

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