Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1867 Don’t even think about it!

Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi were quite happy to have their son Su Yijing back, but when they found out what their son Su Yijing was back for, Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi couldn't be happier.

Jing Jing gave An Baobao to Tuobayao and asked Tuobayao to carry An Baobao to go elsewhere.

After Tuoba Yao left with An Baobao in his arms, Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi still didn't speak.

Su Yijing waited for a while, and when he saw that Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi still had no intention of speaking, he knelt down in front of Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi and said, "Father, mother, please do this."

When Jing Jing saw Su Yijing kneeling down and begging them, her eyes instantly turned red, "What are you asking us to do for you? To do it for you to get married? Yes, your dad gave it to me as a married woman, even if I only love your dad in this life." , your father is the only one, I feel wronged by your father, but you are better off, she has already married three men, if you get married again, you will not be able to become a real husband, you can only be like those women who are concubines. Concubine, do you know that you want to hurt me and your father to death?"

At the end of the story, Jing Jing cried and burst into tears.

This is her precious son. She doesn't ask him to be prosperous and wealthy. She just wants him to live a good life. But now, he is not good at all.

"Mom, don't cry." Su Yijing was not willing to let his mother shed tears, so he immediately became anxious and quickly took a silk handkerchief to let Anjing wipe her tears.

Jing Jing refused to wipe it, and cried while saying: "You have been sensible since you were a child, and your father and I have never cared about you. But now that you want to make yourself suffer such a great injustice, what can your father and I say?" I won’t agree, don’t even think about it! You’d better forget about Feng Feiyan, from the moment she left the letter, I felt that you were destined to be with her!”

Su Yijing immediately said: "Mom, I'm not wronged, I'm just unwilling to accept it. She's still wearing the token of love I gave her. She's obviously still interested in me. I originally thought I could let it go, but when I saw When I saw that she was still wearing the peach core I gave her, I realized that I had never let it go and that I had been deceiving myself.”

"Even if she is still interested in you, she has married three men. Anyway, she wants me and your father to agree to you becoming a concubine, unless your father and I die." Jing Jing doesn't want to beat the mandarin ducks, but the problem Yes, this really wronged her son. I feel so wronged.

Just thinking about it makes her heartbroken for her son.

How could her precious son be a concubine? She won't agree to anything!

"Mom, I will not marry her as your son. I will marry her as Xiao Yijing, a farmer's son. I will not let you lose face."

"Your father and I don't care about embarrassing things!" Jing Jing was particularly excited. "What your father and I care about is whether you can live a good life! She has married three people, and you were just a little girl in the past. She was one of four men. How can you live a good life with her? Your father and I both Do not believe!"

Su Yijing hurriedly said: "She is married to three people now, but I will let her be the only one in the end. I can't accept sharing her with other men. If in the end I still can't be with her for the rest of my life, Father and mother, please give me five years. If I can’t be with her for the rest of my life after five years, I will give up and I will come back and never see her again.”

With that said, Su Yijing kowtowed to Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi.

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