Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1876 Her Connivance

"Yes, young master." Ye Yi immediately took the order and stared at Feng Feiyan.

As soon as Feng Feiyan came out of the meeting hall, she saw Ye Yi standing not far away looking at her.

Next, no matter where she goes, there will be a Yoruichi watching her not far away.

"Your Majesty, Xiao Guijun has gone too far. He actually sent people to stare at you!" Shen Feifan, the captain of the guard, was very angry. "You are so upright and don't take your Majesty seriously! Your Majesty, you can't go unpunished!"

"He just wants to know my whereabouts. It doesn't hurt to let him know." Feng Feiyan was calm.

"Your Majesty" Shen Feifan couldn't believe that Feng Feiyan's matter had been settled like this.

Feng Feiyan was looking at the memorial without even looking at Shen Feifan. After closing the memorial in her hand, she looked at Shen Feifan and said, "Go and call Ye Yi over."

"Yes." Although Shen Feifan was reluctant, he still went to call Ye Yi who was standing not far away and staring at Feng Feiyan.

When Feng Feiyan saw Ye Yi coming over, she said calmly: "Since he asked you to stare at me, then just keep an eye on me."

Ye Yi was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't expect Feng Feiyan to say that.

Shen Feifan couldn't believe it. Your Majesty, do you want to indulge Xiao Guijun like this? You are the emperor!

"It's just," Feng Feiyan continued, "staring at me like you will cause trouble for your son."

After pondering for a moment, Feng Feiyan said again: "Let's do this. From now on, you can do like Guard Shen and the others and follow me wherever I go. This way, everyone will think that you are also a guard who protects me, and there won't be any bad rumors. It’s also good for your son.”

Ye Dao said: "I have to ask our young master for instructions."

Feng Feiyan chuckled: "I'm sorry your young master makes you stare at me so arrogantly."

Ye Yi remained silent.

Feng Feiyan just smiled helplessly and shook her head, but said nothing more.

One night after returning to Jingchen Palace, he asked Su Yijing for instructions.

Su Yijing felt a little better when he learned that Feng Feiyan was not angry at all and actually asked Ye Yi to pretend to protect her guards and keep an eye on her.

He asked Ye Yi to stare at her because he wanted to know her whereabouts. He asked Ye Yi to stare at her so arrogantly because he wanted to see her attitude. Now that he knew that she indulged him so much, he would naturally not let Ye Yi stare at her so arrogantly again. Facing her, he agreed and asked Yoruichi to pretend to be her bodyguard and keep an eye on her.

However, since Ye Yi started staring at Feng Feiyan, Feng Feiyan has never been to Jingchen Palace again.

Of course, Feng Feiyan did not go to Queen Zou's palace.

Feng Feiyan did not come to Jingchen Palace, and Su Yijing was not in a hurry to find Feng Feiyan. He had five years to spend with her. His top priority now was to find a way to bring Zou Qian, Liang Zhiyao, and Sheng Qing together. The wind is solved.

He didn't want there to be three men between him and Feng Feiyan.

Thinking about what Su Yixing had said to him before he came to Wufeng, Su Yijing decided to leave the palace. Let Ji Tianlou help investigate Zou Qian, Liang Zhiyao, and Sheng Qingfeng.

However, before leaving the palace, he had to meet Feng Feiyan's father, emperor and empress.

He had heard that Feng Feiyan's father had been in poor health. He wanted to see Feng Feiyan's father to see what kind of disease he had so that he could ask his second brother if it could be cured.

As soon as Su Yijing arrived at Changshou Palace, he saw Queen Zou Qian and two noble princes Liang Zhiyao and Sheng Qingfeng.

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