Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1880 What is this?

"Feng Feiyan, if I said that I didn't do anything when I went to Changhuan Pavilion, I just went there to sit, would you believe it?"

Unexpectedly, Su Yijing would ask such a question. Feng Feiyan was stunned for a moment before nodding: "Trust."

"Then how many girls are you going to find for me?"

Feng Feiyan was silent for a while, and then said calmly: "I will find a few for you if you want to find them."

"Go away, I don't want to see you now." Su Yijing said, he really didn't want to see Feng Feiyan now.

Feng Feiyan pursed her lower lip before putting down her chopsticks, stood up, and walked out. When she crossed the threshold, she paused, turned around, and said to Su Yijing, who was drinking again: "Yijing, I am I believe it as long as you say it.”

Su Yijing paused while drinking, and then continued drinking as if he hadn't heard Feng Feiyan's words.

Feng Feiyan's eyes dimmed before continuing to leave Jingchen Palace.

Hearing Feng Feiyan's footsteps moving away, Su Yijing stopped drinking, but crushed the wine cup in his hand.

She said that as long as he said it, she would believe it.

It's not that he didn't believe her, he was just angry. He would rather she didn't believe it, which meant that she cared about him going to the brothel, which meant that she cared about him very much. But now, what is this? Is she trying to atone for her sins?

East Palace.

Liang Zhiyao and Sheng Qingfeng came to pay their respects to the queen Zou Qian according to the rules.

As soon as he was greeted according to the courtesy and all the people waiting on him left, Liang Zhiyao gossiped: "Brother Gan, did you hear that Xiao Guijun left the palace yesterday?"

Zou Qian, Liang Zhiyao, and Sheng Qingfeng knew each other before they entered the palace. However, although they knew each other before they married Feng Feiyan, Liang Zhiyao and Sheng Qingfeng had the best relationship because Liang Zhiyao and Sheng Qingfeng had been together since childhood. As we grew up, the relationship between the two families became closer.

As for Zou Qian, although he knew Liang Zhiyao and Sheng Qingfeng before entering the palace, their relationship was very normal. It was not until after entering the palace that the three of them cherished each other and felt that they had the same fate, and the relationship between the three became very good. .

In fact, none of the three people want to enter the palace and become queens and nobles. The harem cannot be involved in politics. They have ideals and ambitions. Once they enter the palace, their ideals and ambitions cannot be realized at all. They have to stay in the harem for the rest of their lives like women. This makes them How do you want to enter the palace?

But no matter what, their respective families forced them to enter the palace, and sent their portraits to the Emperor and the Queen Mother for them to choose. Then, the Emperor and the Queen Mother chose them, and the imperial decree was issued. It is a serious crime to resist the decree. , they couldn't bear it and couldn't violate it, so they had no choice but to enter the palace.

As for Feng Feiyan, they only had the reverence of courtiers for the emperor, without a trace of affection between men and women.

Every time Feng Feiyan came to their bedroom, she didn't let them sleep in the same bed with her, which made them happy and relaxed.

They even took the initiative to help Feng Feiyan and ordered the people in their respective palaces not to spread the news that Feng Feiyan did not allow them to touch.

Because the three of them have a good relationship, now, as long as they are in private, everyone treats them like brothers.

Just like now, Liang Zhiyao calls Zou Qian his godbrother.

Zou Qian is the oldest of the three, already twenty-one years old, and the most mature person. He is not only talented, but also very graceful.

As soon as Liang Zhiyao said that Xiao Guijun left the palace yesterday, Zou Qian smiled and said: "I heard that he is favored by the emperor and can enter and exit the palace freely. Even if we envy him, we can't envy him."

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