Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1883: Settling accounts with her...

Especially last time, Feng Feiyan actually found a lot of innocent girls for him to serve as palace maids and sent them to Jingchen Palace for him.

At that time, Su Yijing was very angry, and in the end Feng Feiyan could only take those girls away intact.

Because of this, Su Yijing and Feng Fei had a cold war.

Su Yijing and Feng Feiyan haven't seen each other for five days, but if Feng Feiyan gets something good, he will definitely send it to Su Yijing. Su Yijing doesn't care about these things. He only cares about Feng Feiyan. Come.

But Feng Feiyan refused to come, and Feng Feiyan never went to Zou Qian's palace again, so Su Yijing refused to go to Feng Feiyan.

But now

Su Yijing's eyes darkened, "She plans to go to the East Palace tonight?"

The place where Zou Gan lived was called the East Palace.

Ye Dao said: "The eldest maid next to her just talked about this matter. She was not willing to do it at first, but the eldest maid said that this is a tradition. The emperor and the empress must be together every fifteenth night. Then, she agreed, I’ll go to the East Palace in the evening.”

"Okay. Very good." Su Yijing gritted his teeth.

Since Su Yijing entered the palace, except for Jingchen Palace, Feng Feiyan has not stepped into Zou Qian's bedroom. Now, tonight, Feng Feiyan is going to Zou Qian's palace. No wonder Su Yijing is stimulated. Like this.

"Where is she now?" Su Yijing suddenly asked.

Yoruichi immediately replied: "Reading the book in the imperial study room."

"You don't have to keep an eye on her today. I'm going to find her now. I want to see how she goes to the East Palace at night!" Su Yijing said nothing and got up and went to the imperial study room.

No one was allowed in at the door of the royal study, so Su Yijing barged in directly.

Feng Feiyan, who was approving the memorial, was startled when she saw Su Yijing barging in. She didn't expect that Su Yijing would come to her. Then, she asked the eunuch guards who also rushed in to go down.

For a moment, there were only two of them in the imperial study room.

Su Yijing even bolted the door to the imperial study room to prevent people outside the door from getting in.

Seeing his behavior, Feng Feiyan was very puzzled: "What are you doing?"

Su Yijing didn't say anything, but walked toward her step by step. His face had no expression. It seemed normal, but it made Feng Feiyan a little scared.

As soon as Su Yijing walked up to Feng Feiyan, he held Feng Feiyan's chin, approached her with a handsome face, and asked, "Are you going to Zou Gan's place tonight?"

He was so close that his breath sprayed all over her face. Feng Feiyan blinked and replied dully, "This is tradition."

"Then we have to go." Su Yijing suddenly raised his lips and smiled, but his eyes were extremely dangerous, as if he wanted to eat Feng Feiyan alive.

Feng Feiyan was a little afraid of Su Yijing like this, and wanted to explain, but before she could speak, Su Yijing blocked her lips and kissed her like crazy.

She didn't expect Su Yijing to kiss her, and she had never kissed anyone before. Feng Feiyan was stunned for a moment.

There was a room in the imperial study room where the emperor rested, and there was a bed in it. Su Yijing only kissed Feng Feiyan like crazy for a while, then picked up Feng Feiyan and went to that room.

Immediately, he pressed Feng Feiyan on the bed.

Only then did Feng Feiyan come to her senses, panicked, and tried her best to push Su Yijing away, but she couldn't push Su Yijing away.

Su Yijing's eyes became colder and colder as she pushed her like this, "You really want them to take care of you, not me. You were drunk last time, but you are sober this time. Don't worry, I will take good care of you." Yes, my emperor."

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