Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1886 Why, haven’t we made enough trouble?

"I won't do anything wrong, don't worry." Su Yijing hugged her tighter and comforted her.

The two of them were neither wearing clothes, their skins were touching each other, and they were so close that even though Feng Feiyan was sore all over, her face still turned redder.

"By the way," Su Yijing said again, "I have asked my second brother to come to the capital. I estimate that he will arrive in another ten days and a half. He has excellent medical skills and may be able to cure your father."

Her father had seen countless famous doctors, but none of them were famous. Feng Feiyan didn't really believe that Su Yixing could cure her father, but she was quite happy that Su Yijing had such a desire. :"Um."

Immediately, she darkened her eyes and said, "Yijing, can you be obedient and return to Xiyun? It's really unfair for you to be a noble king here. I don't want you to be like this at all."

Su Yijing shook his head and said, "I don't feel aggrieved. I only know that if I wasn't your noble lord, how could I legitimately snatch you back? If I wasn't this noble lord, what we are doing now is just stealing, love, and communication. , Rape. Even if you and I can accept this, my parents can't accept it. Although I am married to you as a farmer's son, I am still my parents' son. I am no longer filial. I can't Even more unfilial."

Compared with being a child, cheating and adultery were even more unacceptable to his parents, and he couldn't do it no matter what.

He had to make everything justifiable.

That's why he insisted on being this noble king. Of course, this is only temporary. In the future, he will return to Xiyun and continue to be the eldest prince of Xiyun and a good son to his parents.

"So you still have this consideration?" Feng Feiyan understood. Immediately, he blamed himself: "It's all my fault. They all think that I am a woman. Even if I become the emperor, I can't control Wufeng. They are afraid that if I can't sit on the throne, Wufeng will not be able to settle down. That's why they let me take several positions." A strong man from my mother’s family, help me.”

After a pause, "If one day I can no longer be the emperor, I will definitely go back to Xiyun with you and be filial to your parents."

"With your words, I came to Wufeng to find you in vain." Su Yijing felt really comfortable.

Seeing Feng Feiyan frowning and seeming to be uncomfortable, Su Yijing immediately asked: "Are you in pain? Do you want an imperial doctor to come and take a look?"

Feng Feiyan immediately shook her head and said no. Her face turned red. How dare she ask the imperial doctor to look at this kind of thing.

"Then are you going to Zou Gan's place tonight?" Su Yijing snorted, obviously jealous again.

"Well, I don't want to go, but the tradition is to go on this day of every month, otherwise my father, the emperor, and the empress will have to nag me again. However, even if I go, I will live in two rooms with him. Don't worry." Feng Feiyan said softly.

Su Yijing couldn't laugh or cry: "You're like this, and why did you go to his palace tonight?"

Feng Feiyan tried to get up again, but found that she still couldn't get up on her own, so she gave it up and continued to let Su Yijing hold her, muttering: "I can only say that I am not feeling well, so I won't go today. "

"You are not allowed to go there in the future!" A particularly domineering tone.

Feng Feiyan looked at Su Yijing blankly, feeling that the Su Yijing she knew was back, gentle and direct, direct and domineering, which made her nod involuntarily: "I won't go there in the future."

Then, she couldn't believe it: "We just reconciled?"

Su Yijing raised his eyebrows: "Why, haven't we made enough trouble?"

Feng Feiyan immediately shook her head: "No, I just think it's a little unreal."

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