Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2008 You didn't say it earlier...

Moreover, judging by Master Caiqing's appearance just now, it is clear that he treats this girl like a treasure.

They just don't understand anyway.

Everyone really doesn't understand.

Ma Sanshao didn't understand either, but he just froze his smile and said with a smile: "Miss Gong, let's start."


Next, Ma Sanshao and Gong Le rolled the dice together, and then opened the lid of the dice cup to see the sum of the points inside.

Each person had four dice, Ma Sanshao had one, five, six, and six, which added up to eighteen, and Gong Yue had four six, which was twenty-four.

Four at six!

Everyone was stunned.

Ma Sanshao was also stunned, never expecting that Gong Le would roll out four sixes.

However, Ma Sanshao just regarded it as a coincidence and continued to bet with Gong Le.

When Gong Le rolled out four sixes for the second time, Ma Sanshao suspected that there was something wrong with the dice, and wanted to change the dice with Gong Le, but instead, Gong Le rolled the dice that Ma Sanshao had rolled before. , but still rolled out four six points.

Ma Sanshao no longer doubted it, and admired him very much: "Miss Gong is actually a master at rolling dice!"

Everyone is also very impressed. All four and six points, in their impression, Master Qing was the only one. Now this palace girl can do it, she is worthy of being Lord Qing's unmarried lady.

Ma Sanshao only brought 300,000 taels of silver notes with him, and Gong Le won all of them with only six hands.

Ma Sanshao hurriedly smiled and begged for mercy: "Miss Gong, I have to stop going back to get money like them. You are so powerful, I dare not gamble with you anymore, otherwise, if I lose all my property It's all over, my father will beat me to death as an unfilial son."

Gong Le swayed another four or six o'clock.

Everyone thought it was very miraculous, so Ma Sanshao immediately asked, with bright eyes, "Miss Gong, how do you do it?"

Gong Le blinked and said: "Just shake it like this, how can it be done. By the way, since I was a child, as long as I roll the dice, it is always six or six, and there are no other points. I also find it very strange .”

Everyone: "" You didn't say it earlier

"Lele." An Yiqing came to find Gong Le as soon as he quickly dealt with the matter.

As soon as Gong Le saw An Yiqing, she happily ran towards An Yiqing with a bunch of banknotes in her arms. As soon as she got to An Yiqing's side, she stuffed all the banknotes into An Yiqing's arms: "Brother Qing, I will give you everything, except for the money you gave me, I will win the rest."

An Yiqing looked at the banknotes in his arms in surprise, and then he didn't count them. He who was familiar with the weight of the banknotes could tell how much it was, so he gave all the banknotes to Yingyi after changing hands, so that The shadow is closed.

"How did you win so much?" An Yiqing looked at her dotingly and indulgently. "At first I thought you were going to lose everything."

Before Gong Le could speak, Ma Sanshao said exaggeratedly: "My Lord Qing, if I hadn't begged for mercy in time and stopped gambling, Miss Gong would have won all my family's property."

An Yiqing was even more surprised: "Are you really so good?"

Gong Le immediately raised his chin, and said foolishly and tremblingly: "That's it!" After a pause, "Who asked him to compare dice with me? No other numbers have been rolled."

An Yiqing couldn't help laughing, and while fondling Gong Le's head, he smiled at Ma Sanshao: "San Shao, I, a woman who has never been educated, is only strong at this point. I am born, and you can't learn it." .”

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