Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2012 Urging the marriage

Wang Wenya then got up and went to the courtyard where An Yiqing lived.

On the first day of June, Su Yixing and Huo Qingyi arrived in the imperial capital. It happened that An Yiyun was resting at home that day. Su Yixing immediately took An Yiyun's pulse and found out that An Yiyun's health was a little worse.

An Yiyun's body is congenitally deficient, and there is no way to cure it. Even if it is cured, it can only cure the body of a frail scholar. However, An Yiyun has devoted himself to being an official in these years and is too tired. His body, which is not bad, will be damaged by him. It's getting worse and worse.

After taking An Yiyun's pulse and looking at An Yiyun's pale face, Su Yixing said, "You should consider resigning."

An Yiyun smiled and said, "Second brother, please give me some more time. I can still hold on."

Su Yixing said: "Can you hold on? Your body couldn't hold on long ago. Otherwise, you wouldn't get sick often now."

"Second brother" An Yiyun could only smile bitterly.

Su Yixing couldn't bear to see him like this, so he followed him again: "I know you know what's going on, but you also need to know that everyone is worried about you, especially your parents." He paused and said, "I really can't hold it in anymore." "

"Yeah." An Yiyun nodded and agreed. Again, he wouldn't let his father and mother give away a man with white hair to a man with black hair.

"You have a rest today and just have a good rest. Don't worry about official matters." Su Yixing took the file from An Yiyun and refused to let An Yiyun read it.

An Yiyun stopped watching. But he also planned in his heart that he would wait until everyone left his courtyard to watch again.

Su Yixing prescribed some more medicine to recuperate the body and told An Yiyun to take it, and An Yiyun agreed.

He took all the medicine normally and didn't waste a drop. It was true that his body was no better than that of ordinary people.

Wanting An Yiyun to have a good rest, Su Yixing did not stay in An Yiyun's courtyard for long. He only chatted briefly and asked everyone to go out with him and sit in his courtyard.

As soon as he arrived at his courtyard, Gong Le asked with a smile: "Brother Xing, when will you get married? Today is already the first day of June. In half a year, I will be sixteen and ready to get married."

Su Yixing did not say anything to Gong Le immediately, but said to Huo Qingyi: "You are tired after traveling for such a long time, go and rest."

Huo Qingyi went to rest obediently.

After Huo Qingyi disappeared from sight and sat down in the main hall, Su Yixing pretended not to understand and said to Gong Le: "What does it have to do with me that you can marry someone? It's not that I want to marry you."

Gong Le said: "Aren't you the second brother of Brother Qing? If you don't get married, how can Brother Qing and I get married?"

Su Yixing smiled and said, "Don't you know how embarrassed you are? How can any girl be so eager to get married?"

An Yiqi smiled and agreed: "She doesn't know how to be shy in the first place. She says every day that I like Brother Qing. I like Brother Qing so much."

An Yiqing just laughed.

Gong Le didn't care about their teasing, but while sitting next to An Yiqing, he still said with a smile: "I always like brother Qing! Besides, I am already an old girl, and I got married when I was thirteen or fourteen. , of course I’m anxious.”

"Your mother didn't marry your father until she was almost thirty." Su Yixing reminded her.

Gong Le said: "It was then that my mother understood her feelings for my father, and Brother Qing and I already have the same feelings. Why can't we get married earlier?"

Su Yixing took a sip of tea and said slowly, "Because my second brother is not married yet."

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