Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2015 You think about it yourself

"Why won't you let them hit me?" Although Su Yixing thought that Huo Qingyi's answer would definitely disappoint him, he still couldn't help but have some expectations, hoping that Huo Qingyi would protect him because he liked him.

Huo Qingyi really disappointed him: "You are my master." She wanted to protect him.

"I am still your husband-in-law!" Su Yixing immediately said angrily.

"Why are you angry again?" Huo Qingyi's voice was a little soft, and she didn't understand.

He gets angry really easily.

"I'm not angry." Su Yixing refused to admit it. Before Huo Qingyi fell in love with him, he would not tell Huo Qingyi that he liked her. Naturally, he wouldn't say what he was angry about now.

Immediately, he softened his tone: "I know you are good at it, but my brothers don't dare to attack me, so you don't have to worry at all."


Su Yixing hesitated for a moment, then said: "Did you know that between husband and wife, the husband usually protects his wife?"

Huo Qingyi said: "I know, but we are different. You are still my master."

It happens every time!

Su Yixing was so angry that he didn't want to talk to Huo Qingyi anymore. After kissing Huo Qingyi hard on the lips, he asked angrily: "It's already the first day of June, and you will be mine in a few days." It’s my birthday, have you thought about what you want to give me?”

Huo Qingyi shook his head and said honestly: "I haven't thought about it."

Su Yixing hummed, "I'm actually not satisfied with the gifts you gave me every year, you know that, right?"

Huo Qingyi nodded.

Every year when she gave him a gift, he would actually get more or less angry. Of course she knew that he was not satisfied with the gift she gave him. But the problem is that she really tried her best to prepare the gifts. The gifts she gave were obviously quite valuable, but she really didn't know why he was dissatisfied.

"I hope your gift this time will satisfy me."

Huo Qingyi hesitated for a while and then asked cautiously: "Mr. sir, what kind of gift do you like?"

Su Yixing glanced sideways at her, "You think about it yourself."

Huo Qingyi didn't dare to ask any more questions.

On the second day, Su Yixing filled the prescription while Huo Qingyi stood guard outside the door.

Huo Qingyi was seen leaning against the column in the corridor with his sword in his arms, his beautiful eyebrows slightly furrowed, as cold as ice, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

As soon as Gong Le ran in, he asked, "Where is brother Xing?"

Huo Qingyi quickly stood up straight and replied: "The young master is preparing medicine inside and told no one to go in and disturb him."

"Forget it, I'll come back later." After saying that, Gong Le jumped up and prepared to leave.

But Huo Qingyi hurriedly called out to her: "Miss Lele, wait a moment."

Gong Le paused, turned around, and asked in confusion: "What's wrong? Aren't you letting me in?"

"No, that's not it." Huo Qingyi was a little embarrassed. It took him a while to finish his sentence, "Miss Lele, can I ask you a question?"

Gong Le was particularly cheerful: "What's the question, you ask."

"Yes." Huo Qingyi hesitated, but finally asked: "The young master's birthday is coming soon. What birthday gift does Miss Lele think I should give him?"

Gong Le was secretly happy, thinking that maybe Huo Qingyi was already interested in Su Yixing, but she still pretended to smile stupidly on her face: "Brother Qing's birthday is coming soon, I plan to give him one of my own Give him the embroidered purse. Why don't you embroider a purse for Brother Xing? Maybe he will like it."

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