Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2021 He really worked hard

An Yiqing said, "It was Hao Miao who sent my fourth brother back. Hao Miao said that my fourth brother vomited blood while handling government affairs. He vomited several times, and then fainted. No matter how we called him, he couldn't wake up." An Yiqi asked anxiously, "Second brother, what happened to my fourth brother?" An Yilin and An Yizhi were also anxious to know An Yiyun's situation, and asked one after another. Their fourth brother not only vomited blood, but also fainted. This had never happened before, and they were really anxious. Su Yixing didn't say anything immediately, but checked An Yiyun, and gave An Yiyun two brown pills, and then sighed, "He really worked hard." After a pause, Su Yixing said, "Don't worry, he vomited blood and fainted because he was overworked. He should wake up later, but his body will no longer be able to withstand any fatigue in the future, otherwise his parents will really send him off." An Yiyun's body collapsed like this, and everyone present felt very uncomfortable. "We have long told our fourth brother not to be an official, but he refused to listen. If he hadn't been an official, his health wouldn't be like this." An Yiqi was angry and worried about his fourth brother.

An Yiyun's health was a concern for everyone in their family. If it weren't for making An Yiyun happy, they would never let An Yiyun be an official.

Without waiting for others to speak, An Yiqi said again: "No! We must not let our fourth brother torture his own body like this. When he wakes up, we will ask him to resign and rest at home!"

An Yiqing also sighed: "Fourth brother said before that he would not let our parents send us off. I believe that this time, even if we don't ask, he will resign."

An Yizhi said: "No matter whether he resigns or not, we can't let him go on like this." He would rather his fourth brother be unhappy than want him to torture himself to death.

He has no other thoughts now, just wanting his fourth brother to live.

Not only An Yizhi wanted An Yiyun to live, but everyone present wanted An Yiyun to live.

Because of An Yiyun's condition, everyone was in a heavy mood.

They also hoped that An Yiyun could have a good body, but this was a deficiency disease brought from the mother's womb, and there was no way to completely cure it. In addition, An Yiyun had overdrawn his body more and more seriously over the years, and it was even more difficult to cure it now.

Even more, it was impossible to train An Yiyun to be the way he was before.

In the future, An Yiyun must not be tired at all. This can be regarded as the price that An Yiyun paid for being willful for so many years.

Su Yixing sighed again, and then said to Wang Haomiao: "Haomiao, you go and do your own thing. Your Uncle Yun doesn't know when he will wake up, and it's useless for you to stay here."

Wang Haomiao glanced at An Yiyun, who was still unconscious on the bed, and nodded: "Okay, I'll go back first."

"Wait." An Yiqing suddenly called Wang Haomiao.

"Is there something wrong with Master Qing?"

An Yiqing said: "If Wen Ya asks about your Master Yun's situation, you should comfort her. As long as your Master Yun resigns, he will be fine. Anyway, don't let her worry too much."

Wang Haomiao nodded in understanding and responded: "Yeah."

Then, Wang Haomiao left.

Wang Youbao is still the Supervisor of the National Treasury, but he is still trusted by Emperor Su Chengyu, and Wang Youbao's residence is called the Supervisor's Mansion.

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