Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2024 Let me tell you a secret

Later, when she was born, because he didn't have a biological sister at that time, and she was also very well-behaved, he loved her as a sister and allowed her to follow him obediently.

Later, when she grew up, that is, two years ago, she suddenly and shyly told him that she liked him. She ran away shyly without waiting for his answer.

It was also at that time that he began to think about what kind of feelings he had for her.

It was indeed a brother-sister relationship at the beginning, but since she told him that she liked him, the relationship between him and her has slowly deteriorated. Even though he has not told her that he likes her, he feels that he is with her. It would be nice to be together like this for a lifetime.

She is really well-behaved and quiet. People often ignore her existence, but as soon as you turn around or look back, you will find that she is there, looking at you, guarding you, and only you are in her eyes.

That feeling is indescribably good.

Thinking of this, An Yiyun couldn't help but gently hold Wang Wenya's hand, with a slight smile on his face, and comforted him in a gentle voice: "Stop crying, I'm fine, I still want to save my life to marry you. I won’t let anything happen to me.”

Wang Wenya's tears hadn't stopped yet, but she instantly blushed because of An Yiyun's words.

An Yiyun looked at her red face and continued to smile: "When I feel better, I will go to your house to propose marriage and settle our marriage in advance."

Wang Wenya lowered her head and whispered in a shy voice: "Yes."

"I'm planning to marry you. You don't need to tell me, but you should know how I feel about you, right?" An Yiyun teased her.

Wang Wenya nervously wrung her handkerchief with her hands, still lowering her head. After biting her lip, she managed to say in a low voice, "I don't know."

An Yiyun was instantly happy. He understood that she wanted him to talk to him more frankly, so he said: "I like you, so I want to marry you."

At this time, Wang Wenya was so shy that her ears turned red. After a long while, he said in a very low voice: "I like you too, Master Yun."

Although her voice was extremely soft, An Yiyun still heard her clearly. An Yiyun even teased her deliberately, "What did you say, I didn't hear clearly?"

Wang Wenya blushed and refused to say anything.

An Yiyun stopped teasing her and asked: "Before, I thought my body could last for a few more years, and I selfishly wanted you to wait a few more years for me to settle down with you. Do you blame me? "

Wang Wenya shook her head and said: "You are doing big things, how could I blame you." After a pause, her voice became very soft again: "No matter how many years I wait, I will wait."

"You don't have to wait many years. After we get engaged, we should get married soon." After a pause, "I'll tell you a secret."

"What secret?"

An Yiyun smiled before saying anything, "My second brother thought that no one knew about it, but I accidentally heard Qing Yi calling him husband-in-law. He should have secretly married Qing Yi. As long as I tell him about it, My third brother, my third brother will get married to Lele immediately, and then we can get married. But after we get married, I have to go to the countryside with you to serve my parents. "

Wang Wenya was very happy to get married to her sweetheart as soon as possible, but also very shy. Her face and ears turned redder, but she still whispered: "It is natural to serve your parents-in-law, and there is no injustice at all."

An Yiyun said nothing, but his eyes softened and he held Wang Wenya's hand tightly.

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