Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2034: I'm so happy that I talk nonsense

Su Yixing said: "I am my parents' son after all, so it's okay. They are now relieved of their anger, and we no longer need to hide our marriage from them."

Immediately, Su Yixing told Huo Qingyi what Jing Jing meant again. Huo Qingyi blushed unconsciously as he listened.

Su Yixing looked at Huo Qingyi's red face and asked, "Qingyi, how about we sleep in separate beds for a month?" He was a little worried that he would not be able to help but touch her if they slept in the same bed. He was in full swing now. when.

Huo Qingyi blushed even more, but still nodded.

But just as she nodded, Su Yixing regretted it: "Forget it. We sleep together every day. I won't be used to sleeping in separate beds suddenly."

Huo Qingyi always listened to his words and just nodded again.

On August 14th, Jing Jing, Xiao Changyi, Su Yixing, An Yiyun, Su Yijing and others set off for the imperial capital.

Taking into account An Yiyun's health and the fact that Su Yuxin was still young, the carriage did not move very fast.

On August 21st, An Yiqing and Gong Le arrived at the Slayer Tower.

Gong Juechen and Ye Zhi were very happy when they saw Gong Le's daughter back.

"Every day I tell your father about you and why you haven't come back to see us." Ye Zhi smiled and pulled Gong Le to sit down.

Gong Le hugged Ye Zhi, then said with a smile: "Mom, I came back to tell you and dad something."

Ye Zhi asked: "What's going on?"

"Let's let Brother Qing speak. He's here specifically to talk to you about this." Gong Le asked An Yiqing to speak.

An Yiqing then smiled and said: "Uncle Gong, Aunt Ye, my parents said that we don't have to get married in order of age in my family, and the 28th of the first lunar month next year is a good day, so Lele and I plan to get married on that day."

The smiles on Ye Zhi and Gong Juechen's faces froze.

After all, she is a modern person, so Ye Zhi naturally knows that An Jing doesn't care about the order of seniority here, but she still wants to keep her daughter for two more years.

To be honest, she didn't want to marry off her daughter at all.

Gong Juechen didn't think about it at all.

But Ye Zhi recovered faster than Gong Juechen. Ye Zhi asked, "Can't we get married later?"

Before An Yiqing could speak, Gong Le said: "Mom, you and dad said before that we could get married as long as I turned sixteen, but this year I will be sixteen on the tenth day of December."

Ye Zhi said: "I know, but, isn't my mother reluctant to leave you?"

Gong Le immediately hugged Ye Zhi and said with a smile: "Mom, don't be reluctant, I have already thought about it. After I marry Brother Qing, I will take you and your father to live with me. You and your father are the only ones with me." My child, I won’t let you miss me often.”

Ye Zhi and Gong Juechen were very pleased when they heard this.

Especially Gong Juechen, who was so happy, and said: "If you have this intention, my father and mother can rest in peace even if they die now."

"Dad, what did you say?!" Gong Le immediately became angry, very angry, and his cheeks were bulging. "Don't talk about immortality, you will definitely live forever!"

"Who in this world can live forever?" Ye Zhi laughed, but she was even more pleased. "Okay, mother and father both know your filial piety, don't be angry, your father is just too happy, that's why he said nonsense."

Seeing that Gong Le was no longer angry, Ye Zhicai said again: "I have discussed this matter with your father before. If you get married, what will your father and I do? Should we still stay in this Slaughter Sky Tower?"

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