Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2074 Unify the World 3, the latest chapter of Nongmen Changan!

Feng Feiyan said: "My father-in-law is in good health and there is no problem in leading troops to fight again."

Feng Feiming didn't believe it, and smiled sinisterly: "There's no problem at all, right? Well, just stay here and don't go back. When the fight breaks out, I will threaten him with you."

Feng Feiyan was instantly angry: "Let's not mention that my father-in-law will never accept your threat. I am your biological sister. How can you say something threatening to me?!"

Feng Feiming said: "It's true that you are my biological sister, but I have met you a few times, and I have more feelings for you than the servants in this palace. Okay, now that we have talked about it, Now that I am no longer afraid of Xiyun, I will simply break up and send the princess to Zhaoze Palace. Without my permission, she will not be allowed to step out of Zhaoze Palace."

"Feng Feiming! You!" Feng Feiyan couldn't believe it. She actually has such a brother. She originally thought that even if they were not siblings, as long as they were biological siblings, he would not do anything to her.

Feng Feiming smiled and said: "Sister, I actually expected you to come. Women can be emotional. Just like the queen mother, her father died, but she just followed her. Obviously there is still a good life waiting for her. , If she is still alive, I will definitely let her see the grand occasion of my unification of the world, unlike now, she can only watch from the sky like my father. "

Feng Feiyan immediately said sarcastically: "You are right. My father and mother are watching from the sky. They see that you want to imprison your sister, and that you want to threaten me, my sister."

Feng Feiming, however, didn't care at all and was very leisurely: "As long as I dominate the world, then this world will be called the Five Phoenixes. My father and mother will be watching from the sky and they will definitely feel that I have done the right thing."

Feng Feiyan sneered and said: "Both the father, the emperor and the queen are sensible and have a kind heart. You have people fighting everywhere, causing the people to live in dire straits. Do you really think that the father, the emperor and the queen will think that you are doing the right thing?"

"What do you know!" Feng Feiming scolded. "I am called to support the country through war. If it weren't for me, Wufeng would still be a small country now!"

Feng Feiyan said: "The people of Wufeng must now wish that Wufeng was still a small country, and they don't want to be like now, unable to live and work in peace and contentment."

No one has ever been as presumptuous to him as Feng Feiyan. Feng Feiming became more and more angry. He turned around and angrily scolded the guards behind him: "Why are you still standing there? Why don't you send the princess to Zhaoze Palace!"

The guards originally estimated Feng Feiyan's identity as Emperor Princess, but now they were scolded by Feng Feiming. They did not dare to delay any longer and hurriedly sent Feng Feiyan to Zhaoze Palace.

Before going to Zhaoze Hall, Feng Feiyan said something harsh to Feng Feiming, and Feng Feiming was so angry that she kicked the large vase next to the coffee table to pieces.

The four guards and a maid brought by Feng Feiyan were all dealt with by Feng Feiming's people. Although there were maids serving Feng Feiyan in Zhaoze Palace, they were loyal to Feng Feiming.

There were many people guarding the door of Zhaoze Hall. Feng Feiyan was not allowed to go out and could only sit in Zhaoze Hall, feeling depressed.

Although angry, Feng Feiyan did not regret coming here. This was her biological brother. Even though her biological brother imprisoned her here, she couldn't care less about his life or death.

At this moment, Feng Feiyan was still a little lucky. Fortunately, Su Yijing did not accompany her, otherwise Su Yijing would have been trapped here.

As soon as Zou Qian, Sheng Qingfeng and Liang Zhiyao heard that Feng Feiyan was imprisoned in Zhaoze Palace, they went to the palace to see Feng Feiming.

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