Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2085 Unify the World 14

Seeing that Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi were worried about her brothers again, An Baobao came over with a plate of yam cake, sat between Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi, and pretended to be unhappy and complained: "Mom, Dad, I will be beaten by you." You spoiled ones, you should let me go to the battlefield with my eldest brother and the others to kill the enemy!"

Jing Jing laughed, and while caressing the back of her neck, he said, "You still think that parents and children are not enough, why don't you go to one more to make parents worry about one more?"

An Baobao asked An Jingjing to take a piece of yam cake to eat, and then said: "No, I just feel that the country is in trouble, I have responsibilities, and I want to go."

With that said, An Baobei handed the plate to Xiao Changyi again and asked Xiao Changyi to eat the yam cake.

Xiao Changyi shook his head expressionlessly, indicating that he would not eat.

"Dad, just have a piece. Second sister-in-law sees that you and mother have no appetite recently, so she specially made different snacks so that you can eat more."

Jing Jing smiled and said, "Mr. sir, just have a piece."

Xiao Changyi then picked up a piece of yam cake and ate it.

An Baobei exclaimed with a bright smile: "Dad still listens to mother as always."

"No matter how big or small you are," Jing Jing tapped An Baobao on the head, "Don't make fun of mom and dad."

It didn't hurt at all from the beating, and Baby An was smiling.

Jing Jing first smiled helplessly and fondly and shook his head, then asked: "How good are the yam cakes? If there are any left, I can give some to your adoptive mother, Aunt Ye Sese."

An Baobei said: "Second sister-in-law has asked Xin'er and the others to send them off, and they have even been sent to eldest sister-in-law."

"Speaking of your sister-in-law, she didn't come out today. Go and see if anything happens." Jing Jing then realized that she hadn't seen Feng Feiyan today.

An Baobei said: "Second sister-in-law went to see me early in the morning. My eldest sister-in-law is fine. She said that I will make clothes for my eldest brother in the house today and wear them when he comes back."

Jing Jing nodded, indicating that he understood. Then, he sighed and said: "Six of my seven sons went to the battlefield. Your father and I can't help but worry about it. We have ignored your sister-in-law these days. Please pay more attention and don't let her think that we are neglecting her. ”

An Baobao smiled and said: "It's not like my sister-in-law doesn't know who you and dad are. I heard her second sister-in-law said that she asked her to take more care of you. She's afraid that something will happen to you when you are older. Haha, let's see. You, dad and sister-in-law, don’t worry too much, we are all a family, there is no need to be so outspoken.”

"It's not that my parents are worried, it's your sister-in-law's legs." As he said this, An Jing sighed again.

Thinking of Feng Feiyan's legs, An Baobao felt uncomfortable, but he immediately comforted him and said, "Mom, isn't Uncle Gong still trying to cure sister-in-law's legs? Maybe when brother and the others come back, sister-in-law's legs will be cured." ”

Jing Jing smiled and said, "I hope so." After a pause, his eyes darkened again, "But your uncle gave your sister-in-law a treatment yesterday. Your sister-in-law still has no feeling in her legs. It's difficult. ”

An Baobao said: "No matter if it is difficult or not, we will find a way to treat my sister-in-law's leg. Mom, please stop thinking so much."

Jing Jing nodded, saying that he tried not to think too much.

An Baobei continued to comfort him: "Yesterday when the sun was about to go down, I saw the people from Shou Tian Tower bringing a large pile of medical books collected from everywhere to Uncle Gong. I asked Uncle Gong, and Uncle Gong said he wanted to Let’s see if there is any way to cure my sister-in-law’s leg from these medical books. Uncle Gong has worked so hard, so please don’t be so depressed.”

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