Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2100 Three people reverse time travel 5

If it weren't for the hospital's inability to kick out patients, Jing Jing would have been kicked out of the hospital long ago while she was lying on the hospital bed.

"Ms. Lin, besides your parents and sister, do you have any other relatives or friends? We can't contact them yet, but you haven't paid a penny of the medical expenses." Suddenly, a The nurse opened the door and came in, asking An Jing a little embarrassedly.

Jing Jing smiled and said: "I am busy working all day long to make money to support my family. I have no friends. As for relatives, there are only three of them. You have also seen that they will not care about me at all. You should just throw me on the road."

"What are you talking about! You are like this, and you still have to stay in the hospital for at least half a month! We will not let you leave the hospital just like this!" As he said this, the nurse became really angry: "You Those parents and sisters are really capable. You are like this and you don’t care about you. I have been a nurse for so many years and I have never seen them like this!”

Jing Jing smiled slightly again, and then said: "Since the hospital won't send me out and will continue to help treat me, then I think it's better. You treat me first. When I get better, I will make money and return it to the hospital. You Do you think so?"

"That's all we can do." Then the nurse kindly comforted her: "Don't think too much. Your parents and sisters don't care about you, but you still have yourself. When you get better, you still have your arms and legs." Yes, even if you owe a lot of medical bills, you can pay them back slowly and one day you will be able to pay them back.”

"Thank you." Jing Jing has always believed that there are many good people in the world, and the person in front of him is a good person.

"Then you can rest. If you need anything, ring the bell and call me." With that, the nurse left.

It wasn't until the nurse closed the ward door from the outside that Quiet's eyes darkened little by little.

She would never want such a father, such a stepmother, or such a sister!

Turning his head, An Jing looked out the window. The sun was shining brightly outside the window and the weather was very good.

I only heard Jing Jing murmuring in a low voice: "Ms., dear, you should be here too."

She still clearly remembers that she, her husband-in-law and her daughter were illuminated by a ball of light and then came back, so her husband-in-law and daughter should also be here.

Her sons all have partners, so she doesn't have to worry about them at all. She just wears them as they come. She just said: "Ms., dear, you must look for me, and I will look for you too. That way we should be able to get married soon." See you soon.”

The only ones she worries about now are her husband-in-law and her daughter.

Jing Jing and Su Changyi were both thinking about their precious daughter, An Baobei, who was currently trapped in a room in a single-family villa in E City.

This room is extremely luxuriously decorated. One wall is covered with floor-to-ceiling windows, allowing you to see outside.

At first, An Baobei was shocked by the floor-to-ceiling windows that could see outside. She has never seen glass before. Of course, she doesn't know that this thing is glass now. It just feels like glass.

An Baobei remembered that she was surrounded by light together with her parents. Then she fainted and woke up in this room.

This room was different from the other rooms she had seen before. It was boxy and super hard. Except for the tables, chairs, beds and stools, which were made of wood, the rest were made of materials she didn't recognize.

Because she wanted to go out, An Baobao groped in this room for a long time, but couldn't find a door to go out. If you love reading, how can you not follow this public account? Search v-letter: rdww444 or popular online articles. Let’s chat about online articles together.

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