Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2110 Adapting to Modern Days 5

"I'm too sleepy. I want to sleep and don't want to open the door." He lied. He just found her annoying and didn't want to pay attention to her. And no one had ever knocked on his door at this time. He knew it was her without even thinking.

"So that's it." Baby An understood, so she didn't blame him anymore, but asked curiously: "What's the matter with the soundproofing? Is your room really that soundproofed?"

Before Ning Zihan could answer, the housekeeper heard the noise and rushed up: "Master, what's going on? Why is it so loud?"

Ning Zihan just looked at the twisted lock on the door that had been kicked by An Baobao.

The housekeeper followed Ning Zihan's line of sight. As soon as he saw the kicked-in lock, he immediately said: "The destructive power of this psychosis"

"Hehehe" An Baobao could only laugh.

Ning Zihan pinched his painful eyebrows and sat up, "Get another one."

"Yes." The housekeeper quickly went to ask someone to change the locks.

When An Baobao saw the housekeeper leaving, she approached the bed with a playful smile, "Ning Zihan, I was going to take a bath, but I found that I didn't have any change of clothes."

"You can just talk to the housekeeper about these little things. The housekeeper will handle them. There is no need to kick open my door and tell me." If he hadn't tried hard to suppress it, Ning Zihan would have wanted to kill the person in front of him.

He has never been so annoyed! My head hurts from being annoyed!

"But didn't you promise that I could come to you if anything happened?" An Baobei looked innocent.

Ning Zihan glanced at the sword still hanging on her waist, and finally couldn't help but ask, "Can't you put that sword down?"

An Baobao subconsciously glanced at his sword, "Yes, but no one around me will protect me now. I have to protect myself. I can't let this sword leave me."

Ning Zihan immediately said: "I will protect you, but you throw away this sword."

An Baobei blinked and then said: "I know you don't have evil intentions, but I don't think you can necessarily protect me. I'd better bring a sword to be safer."

"Such a sharp sword is controlled here and cannot be taken out casually."

"We'll talk about it after I go out." She doesn't know enough about this place yet, and she doesn't plan to go out yet.


"What about my change of clothes?"

"Tell the butler."

"Why are you still like this? You clearly promised me that I can come to you for anything!" She complained angrily.

"Didn't you come to see me? But, you came to me, and I asked the butler to prepare it for you. Why not just tell the butler directly to save time and effort."

"You didn't tell me earlier that you wanted the housekeeper to prepare it, otherwise I wouldn't have come to find you."

"I've said it now, you can leave. From now on, you should go to the housekeeper first for everything. If the housekeeper can't solve it, you can go to me again."

"It's okay." After a pause, An Baobei said anxiously: "However, you have to teach me personally to understand everything here. I won't ask the housekeeper first. I don't trust the housekeeper, but I trust you. It won’t hurt me.”

Ning Zihan was shocked.

Never before has a woman said with such certainty that he would not harm her. Not only did no women say this, not even men said this. You know, in the shopping mall, he is famous for being cruel and ruthless.

"Okay, I'll teach you personally." He agreed in a strange way. And as soon as he agreed, he was stunned.

When did he become so easy to talk to?

An Baobao was happy. Seeing that the housekeeper came with someone to change the locks, she immediately asked the housekeeper to prepare a change of clothes for her. If you love reading, how can you not follow this public account? Search v-letter: rdww444 or popular online articles. Let’s chat about online articles together.

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