Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2117 Don’t like me, I hate women 2

"Am I not a woman? I don't see you hating me." An Baobei was very puzzled. What he said was really contradictory.

Ning Zihan said in his heart, "You are a psycho, you are different from those women," but he said, "Anyway, I hate women. Don't like me. There will be no results between you and me."

Regarding relationships, An Baobei also hoped that they would be in love with each other like her parents and brothers. Since Ning Zihan said that there was no result, she pursed her lips and stopped forcing: "Okay, I'll try not to like you."

Ning Zihan felt a little depressed for no reason, but he didn't care. Instead, he got into the driver's seat and drove An Baobao around the e-city.

When Ning Zihan accelerated on the deserted road and the scenery outside the window kept receding, An Baobao screamed with excitement: "This car is so fast! It's faster than our thousand-mile horse! And it's better than riding a horse." Much more comfortable!”

Ning Zihan asked casually: "Have you ever ridden a horse?"

"I have ridden it. My father gave me a good horse on my sixteenth birthday. It ran quite fast, but compared to your car, it doesn't feel fast at all."

"There happens to be a racecourse in E-market. I'll take you there another day." Since she didn't lie yesterday about being good at music, chess, calligraphy and painting, he would selectively believe a little of whatever she said. And now that she said she could ride a horse, he selectively believed her.

She knew how to play piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, so he thought it was normal even if she could learn horse riding again.

"Yeah." Baby An was very happy that Ning Zihan was so kind to her, which made her feel pampered. Although she still couldn't understand why he hated women.

However, she could see that the reason for hating women was a knot in his heart and a pain point in his heart. She still didn't want to poke his pain point and ask him why he hated women.

Thanks to Ning Zihan, An Baobei now understands the world she lives in better and better.

s city.

Su Group, President's Office.

After several days of observation, it was determined that Su Changyi did not have a concussion, and then Su Changyi was discharged from the hospital.

As soon as he was discharged from the hospital, he started looking for his wife and daughter.

He is now the president of the Su Group and has plenty of money, so he thought of placing missing person advertisements everywhere. As long as his wife and daughter are in this world, they should be able to see them.

As for how to write the content of this missing person advertisement, it is very simple, just one sentence: Jingxingqingyunqilinzhi.

If it weren't for his wife and daughter, they wouldn't understand the meaning of this sentence at all.

As for contact information, it is naturally his mobile phone number.

Thanks to the memory of the original owner, he didn't need anyone to teach him. He adapted to this modern era quickly and well.

"President, are you looking for me?"

Just as Su Changyi was deep in thought, there was a knock on the president's office, and immediately, the president's special assistant Lu Yimi walked in.

Su Changyi sat expressionlessly on the office chair. When Lu Yimi walked to the desk, he pushed the A4 paper with "Jingxing Qingyun Qilinzhi" and his mobile phone number printed on it towards Lu Yimi.

"This is a missing person advertisement. Please handle it quickly. I want this advertisement to spread all over the world."

Lu Yimi was shocked. What advertisement was going to be spread all over the world? If so, it would cost a lot of money!

Picking up the paper on the table and looking at the content, Lu Yimi was confused. He hesitated for a while, then he asked carefully: "President, is this really a missing person advertisement? Why is there no name?" What a different look or something? "If you love reading, how can you not follow this public account? Search v-mail: rdww444 or popular online articles, let's chat about online articles together.

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