Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2120 An Jing and Su Changyi met 3

"This" An Jing was so happy that she didn't know what to say. "Is this the next life? You are the son of your adoptive father again, and he is his biological son."

Su Changyi said: "Whether it is the next life or not, it's good."

An Jing nodded and said it was good. Then, he asked: "What about the original owner of your body?"

Su Changyi told her about the original owner being killed by a car rear-end collision.

After listening, An Jing sighed first, and then told Su Changyi how Lin An Jing died.

The two of them told each other in detail about the family of their respective bodies.

"You are still the best. Forget about me. Don't talk about them. Anyway, I won't recognize them." An Jing didn't even want to mention Lin An Jing's father, stepmother, and scumbag sister.

"Well." After a pause, "What about your body now?"

"I just fell down the stairs. I will be able to get out of bed and walk in a few days. I should be able to be discharged from the hospital in less than ten days."

"It's good." He was very happy that her body had no major injuries.

An Jing also smiled: "You were also in this hospital before. If we lived on the same floor, we might have met, but we were several floors apart and missed each other."

"I was discharged as soon as the doctor said I didn't have a concussion. If I knew you were here, I would definitely come to find you as soon as possible."

"You are here now." An Jing tilted her head and smiled at him.

Su Changyi's mouth curled up, lowered his head, and gently rubbed her nose with his nose tip. "I have been answering calls all day today, and they are not your calls. I thought it would take a long time to find you."

"I called you during the day, but your phone was always busy. It turns out that someone has been calling you." An Jing said, happy. "Who told you to advertise so loudly? There are so many people in the world, and some will always call you out of curiosity. It's good that I didn't annoy you to death."

"I just want to find you and my baby as soon as possible."

"Do you think my baby is here too? I think so too. However, your advertisement is so loud, it's everywhere on TV, newspapers, magazines, etc. If my baby is really here, she should call you soon."

"I hope so." After a pause, "I will continue to advertise until I find her."

"Of course! Maybe she is really here too, and we must reunite with her! But, husband, you are really rich."

Su Changyi just curled his lips and said nothing.

An Jing continued to smile and said, "Now we are in modern times, I can't call you husband anymore, I should call you husband, you know?"


"But we haven't married here yet."

"Then let's get married again." He didn't think it was a big problem.

"Yeah." An Jing had no objection. "Even if we're not married, we can still live together, that is, cohabitation."

"Whether we get married here or not, you've already been my wife, so naturally we have to live together."

"Yeah." An Jing just smiled and nodded, and her eyes darkened. "Jing'er, Xing'er, Qing'er, Yun'er, Qi'er, Lin'er, Zhi'er, they probably didn't come through."

Su Changyi suddenly felt a little sad, but still comforted: "Don't think too much, they all have their own small families, they won't be lonely."

An Jing just nodded and said nothing. After all, they were her flesh and blood. She came to the modern world, and she would never be able to see them again. Even if she didn't have to worry about them, she felt really uncomfortable.

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