Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2134 We are not afraid 5

"Why don't you do that to Lin Anrou? From now on, let Lin Anrou support you two shameless people!"

After saying that, everyone urged Anjing to calm down: "Jingjing, you must not be soft-hearted. If you are soft-hearted, we neighbors will really not want to say a word to you in the future. They are really going too far. Just dote on Lin Anrou. It's like being a pet, but they treat you worse than a beast. At least they won't always punch and scold the beast. If you think about the life you lived before, we really can't stand it anymore. "

Jing Jing has always believed that there are still many good people in this world. At this moment, she was truly moved: "I will not be soft-hearted. I have completely lost my heart towards this family. If not, just now he took a feather duster and wanted to slap me as hard as before. When that happens, I won’t fight him.”

"That's good, that's good."

"You should all go back quickly, lest they turn their anger on you."

Everyone immediately sneered: "There are so many of us, why are we afraid of these two scoundrels? They have aroused public outrage. Don't worry, we will be fine. But you, hurry up and pack your things." , let’s go.”

"Thank you." Jing Jing said a lot of words of thanks before going into Lin Jing Jing's room to pack some things.

Lin Jiecheng and Wu Meifeng cried and shouted that they were not allowed to clean up Anjing. They even wanted to fight Anjing again, but they were subdued by Anjing. The onlookers were quite worried at first and were ready to step forward to help Anjing. They were sincere. She felt that Anjing would be enslaved to death sooner or later if she continued to stay in this house. Her sister dared to push her downstairs, but before they could step forward, they saw that Anjing was ruthless enough to attack Lin Jiecheng and Wu Meifeng. Everyone immediately clapped their hands and cheered.

Anjing packed up her things and went to look for the household registration book. She couldn't find it, so she asked, "Where is the household registration book?"

Wu Meifeng immediately said: "No! Even if there is, we will not give it to you! We will not let you leave this family. Every day your father and I are here, you have to give us money to support us! Don't think you don't live here. It’s none of your business, dream!”

Lin Jiecheng also said: "Damn girl, go ahead, go ahead. Go to the end of the world. I am also your father, and you have to support me! If you dare not support me, I will go to court to sue you!"

These two people still have the nerve to ask for alimony?

When the onlookers heard this, they were all furious and said one after another: "Jing Jing, it doesn't matter if you are separated into a single household without a household registration book. If they sue you then, we neighbors can go and testify against you. Then we will give you evidence." If they accuse you of domestic violence and let them all stay in jail, I wonder how they can ask for alimony from you!"

Jingjing didn't say that she wanted to get a household registration because she wanted to get married. Since Wu Meifeng and Lin Jiecheng refused to give them their household registrations, she just gave it up and thanked her neighbors several times and said, "If one day, Then I’ll have to trouble you all to go to the court, I’m really sorry.”

Neighbors all said: "They are all the scum of society. Our testimony can be regarded as eradicating violence and bringing peace to society, as we should."

Jing Jing said thank you again before leaving.

The neighbors were afraid that Wu Meifeng and Lin would get entangled with Anjing, so they didn't go home until they sent Anjing out of the community.

Anjing turned around and saw that her neighbors had all turned around and gone home, but her eyes suddenly turned red.

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