Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2139 Worship 2

After a pause, she whispered in more detail: "When I was in the army, I led two classes of recruits. She was the best soldier in one of them. Although she was several years younger than me, she was very stable and got along well with me. I didn't expect to meet her here."

Sighing, An Jing was a little disappointed: "She should still be in the army." After a pause, "If I hadn't died, I should still be in the army."

Su Changyi held her hand tightly.

Feeling the strength he exerted on her hand, An Jing smiled: "If I hadn't died, how could I have met such a good you."

Su Changyi paused, looked at her, and said very seriously: "You are still alive." After a pause, "We are all still alive."

An Jing smiled again and nodded gently, "Yes, we are all still alive."

When she arrived at her parents' grave, An Jing was about to pay homage when she found that the tombstone next to her was her own

"Husband" saw her own grave, and An Jing felt so complicated.

"What's wrong?" Su Changyi was placing the sacrificial items in front of An Jing's parents' graves. When he heard An Jing calling him, he asked.

An Jing pointed to the grave next to her, "This is me."

Su Changyi: ""

Su Changyi was silent for a moment, then stood up and looked at the grave next to her with her. There was a photo on the tombstone. She looked nothing like Lin An Jing, but she was a very beautiful woman, and she smiled very brightly, especially her lively eyes, which were particularly contagious.

"So you looked like this before." He didn't care what An Jing looked like before.

He loved her soul, not her skin.

An Jing was still in a complicated mood. After a while, she said, "I never thought that I would be buried here." With her parents.

Found a bunch of flowers in front of the tombstone, obviously just put down not long ago, An Jing immediately looked in the direction where Li Wutong had just left, her eyes were a little red: "It's her"

She has been dead for five years, and there are still people who remember her and come to see her

Su Changyi quickly hugged her and comforted her: "Someone comes to see you, isn't it good?"

An Jing sniffed, smiled, and choked up: "Okay, I'm just too moved, I didn't expect it"

There are still many things in front of her grave, some of which have been exposed to the sun and rain for a long time, but it is obvious that people often come to see her in front of the grave, and it should be more than Li Wutong.

After calming down, An Jing began to worship her parents.

Su Changyi and An Jing knelt in front of the graves of An Jing's parents together.

An Jing introduced with tears in her eyes: "Dad, Mom, this is my husband Changyi. We couldn't come to see you before, but today I brought him to see you. Don't worry, he treats me very well."

Su Changyi saw An Jing finished speaking, then he spoke and solemnly promised: "Dad, Mom, no matter how many lives Jing'er and I can be together, I will always treat her well."

After that, Su Changyi kowtowed.

An Jing knelt there and talked to her parents for a long time before begging: "Dad, Mom, you must bless us to reunite with our baby as soon as possible."

After saying that, she kowtowed with Su Changyi, and then she got up with Su Changyi and went home.

As soon as they got home, they saw Su Haoyu and Su Chengyu quarreling with each other in the living room, and the content of the quarrel fully showed that the two were very short of money now.

When the two saw Su Changyi, their eyes lit up.

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