Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2141 Su Changyi is my father 1

"What?" he asked cooperatively.


Su Changyi immediately lowered his head and kissed An Jing. Quiet responds generously.

Even though their bodies are still young, the two of them have been together for decades, and there is nothing to be ashamed of.

e city.

On this day, Liang Youxu had breakfast with Ning Zihan and An Baobao.

These days, An Baobei is obsessed with mobile games. She doesn’t even watch TV. Whenever she has free time, she plays games. Just like now, even when she is eating breakfast, she plays games with her mobile phone in one hand. Very happy.

Ning Zihan glanced at An Baobao, ignored An Baobao, and continued to drink his coffee and read his newspaper.

When he saw another missing person advertisement for 'Jingxing Qingyun Qilinzhi' in the newspaper, he frowned slightly and asked Liang Youxu: "Did you check what I asked you to check last time?"

Liang Youxu quickly swallowed what was in his mouth and replied respectfully: "I have checked it out. The advertisement should have been sent by Mr. Su from City S."

Ning Zihan was slightly surprised, and then hummed: "Who is he looking for? His advertisements have been all over the world for how many days. Even if he is not annoyed, everyone is tired of seeing them."

Liang Youxu: "I don't know."

Ning Zihan hummed again: "I really think there is too much money."

Liang Youxu smiled: "He is not short of money."

"If you're not short of money, you wouldn't do this." Ning Zihan still felt that Su Changyi really thought that he had too much money and had nowhere to spend it, so he kept advertising all over the world like this. He had been doing this for almost half a month, and he said it every day Everyone can see this advertisement, it’s really upsetting.

Liang Youxu just laughed.

An Baobao, who was eating a sandwich while playing games, became curious: "Why don't you do this if you don't have money?"

Ning Zihan didn't even look at An Baobei, and said in a calm tone: "If you had listened to what we just said, you wouldn't ask this."

An Baobao immediately paused the game, and Chao Ning Zihan smiled: "The game is so fun, but I feel like I can't get enough of it. I won't play it now, so just tell me, okay?"

Seeing the flattery in her tone, Ning Zihan calmly replied to what she just said: "Some people have too much money and no place to spend it. It's annoying to advertise all over the world every day."


"President of Su University in City S."

"Su? My father and several of my brothers are also named Su. What a coincidence. By the way, why is he so annoying about advertising?"

"Looking for someone." Ning Zihan just said two simple words without saying much.

Liang Youxu, on the other hand, said with a smile: "Mr. Su put out a missing person advertisement. The person he is looking for is also weird. He has no name, no surname, no appearance, no height and weight, etc. In just one sentence, Jingxingqingyunqilinzhizhi."

"Yeah!" Baby An screamed. "It's my brothers' names!"

Ning Zihan and Liang Youxu immediately looked at each other, and then Liang Youxu said with a smile: "Don't be joking, Mr. Su will never go to your brothers." Normally they would not believe her crazy words.

"You're not looking for my brothers, you're probably looking for me!"

Ning Zihan and Liang Youxu looked at each other again. This time they did not speak, but fell into deep thought, seeming to be thinking about whether An Baobao's words were true or false.

An Baobei asked excitedly: "Isn't that Mr. Su's name Su Changyi? My father's name is Su Changyi!"

Ning Zihan: ""

Liang Youxu: ""

Both of them agreed that An Baobei was really mentally abnormal. Let’s not talk about whether An Baobao’s surname was An or Su. Su Changyi was only twenty-nine. She was already nineteen, so she couldn’t be Su Changyi’s. daughter.

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