Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2149 Su Changyi is my father 9

At seven o'clock in the evening, Ning Zihan arrived at the E City Hotel on time. As soon as Ning Zihan entered the hotel, someone invited him to the largest private room on the third floor. In the private room, Su Changyi, An Jing and An Baobao were already inside.

As soon as Ning Zihan came, An Baobao happily ran towards Ning Zihan, "Ning Zihan, you are here, look, that is my parents, my father is Su Changyi, you didn't believe it in the morning, now you believe it?"

Ning Zihan looked at An Jing and Su Changyi, Su Changyi's face had no expression, but An Jing looked at him with an apologetic look, obviously, let him bear more of An Baobao's crazy talk.

When An Baobao saw her mother like this, she held back her laughter in her heart, and felt that her mother's acting skills were great.

"Mr. Su, this is your fiancée, right?" Ning Zihan hated women very much, and didn't walk closer to An Jing, but asked from a distance.

Su Changyi nodded.

An Jing smiled and said, "My name is An Jing. Thank you for taking care of me during this period. Come and sit down."

Ning Zihan found a seat farthest from An Jing and sat down.

An Jing: ""Do you have to hate women so much? I didn't offend you?"

Su Changyi was used to it and didn't care, but he shook An Jing's hand under the table and told An Jing not to care. Ning Zihan just hated women, everyone knew it.

Baby An deliberately sat next to Ning Zihan.

Ning Zihan glanced at her, but didn't change his seat, and there was no disgust in his eyes.

Su Changyi and An Jing saw it and immediately looked at each other, both of them had unspeakable deep meanings in their eyes.

"President Su already has a fiancée. I wonder when President Su will get married?" Ning Zihan greeted politely.

Su Changyi said, "I haven't decided yet. When we decide when to get married, I will definitely send you a wedding invitation. You must give me face and attend."

Ning Zihan smiled and said, "I will attend President Su's wedding no matter how busy I am."

The meal was quite harmonious.

During the meal, Su Changyi would always take care of An Jing first, and the relationship between the two seemed very good. Ning Zihan knew that Su Changyi was completely ruined, but he didn't envy him at all.

He hated women. He never thought about dating any woman, and never planned to marry any woman.

After the meal, An Baobei insisted on sending Ning Zihan out of the hotel.

At the entrance of the hotel, An Baobei said gloomily to Ning Zihan, who had already opened the car door and was about to get in the car: "Ning Zihan, my father said I am sick and he wants to take me back for treatment."

Ning Zihan always thought that An Baobei had a mental illness and needed treatment, but he didn't expect An Baobei to say this to him. He was silent for a moment before saying: "If you are sick, you must be treated."

"Then I will come to play with you after I get cured, okay?" An Baobei asked immediately with anticipation.

Ning Zihan thought to himself, 'Don't come back after you leave, so that you won't affect my mood again', but he still nodded gently: "Yeah."

Seeing Ning Zihan drive away, An Baobei turned around and went into the hotel without any reluctance. Looking through the rearview mirror, Ning Zihan saw that An Baobei didn't miss him at all, and his heart was depressed again.

He narrowed his eyes slightly as he looked ahead. He really felt that he should stay away from An Baobei. This An Baobei really affected his mood too much.

And An Baobei didn't know what Ning Zihan was thinking at the moment, and happily returned to the presidential suite.

Seeing her parents watching TV in the living room of the suite, she asked, "Why don't you go back to your room to watch? Wouldn't it be more convenient?"

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