Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2158 Is this just meeting the right person? 3

The senior executives, on the other hand, had never seen their president take care of someone like this before. They were not used to it, and they all couldn't believe it.

Even the director of the planning department who was reporting on work stopped when he saw this scene and looked at An Jing and Su Changyi, becoming even more curious about An Jing's identity.

However, they could all see that this woman held a very important position in their president's heart.

Su Changyi had no idea what impact his subconscious behavior had on everyone. He just continued to flip through the project cases handed over by the planning department while listening to the director of the planning department report on the work situation. Unexpectedly, the voice suddenly stopped, and he He raised his eyes to look at the director of the planning department.

Seeing that the director of the planning department was just looking at him and his wife with his mouth open, Su Changyi narrowed his cold eyes and said, "Why don't you say anything anymore?"

He always hated others wasting his time. This is known to everyone in the company.

The director of the planning department was immediately frightened and quickly continued his report.

Other executives also quickly straightened their faces, not daring to look at An Jing.

As soon as Jing Jing realized why these people were like this, he leaned a little towards Su Changyi. Su Changyi immediately put his ears over. When Jing Jing explained to him in a volume that only he could hear, he understood why everyone was like this, and then his expression softened. , there is no anger left.

The executives were even more shocked. Who is this woman? ! How could he whisper into the ear of their president at such a close distance? You know, no woman has ever been able to get close to their CEO!

After the meeting ended, Su Changyi stood up, but did not leave immediately. Instead, he introduced to all the executives present: "This is my wife Lin Jingjing. The wedding is scheduled for May 26th. Everyone is welcome to attend."

The executives had never seen Su Changyi get close to any woman. After this meeting, they at most thought that An Jing was Su Changyi's girlfriend, but they didn't expect that An Jing was already his wife and their wedding would be next month.

So exciting? !

The executives were stunned for a moment, and then congratulated one after another.

During the meeting, Lu Yimi had asked his assistant to bring Su Changyi and An Jing's wedding invitations. As soon as Su Changyi finished speaking, he began to send wedding invitations to the senior executives. There are too many employees in the Su family, and it is unrealistic for them all to attend the wedding. Therefore, Su Changyi and Jing Jing have already discussed that only senior executives will be invited, but all Su family employees will have a share in the wedding candies and the like.

After Jing Jing politely said a few words to the executives, Su Changyi and Jing Jing intertwined their fingers and returned to the president's office.

As soon as Su Changyi and Jing Jing left, the executives asked about Lu Yimi, who had not left yet.

"Special Assistant, why did the CEO suddenly show up with a wife?"

"Special Assistant, isn't the president not a womanizer?"

"Special Assistant, please tell us the inside story. We are extremely curious."

"Special Assistant"

Lu Yimi has always been a well-rounded person and has a very good relationship with everyone in the company. At this moment, he smiled and said: "Actually, I don't know the inside story very well. After all, you also know the president's personality. He is not very willing to do anything other than official business." Tell me, Miss Lin Jingjing is indeed our CEO’s wife. Don’t make a fuss about her in the future. Even though the CEO is usually stern, he is very affectionate with our CEO’s wife.”

After a pause, Lu Yimi pretended to be very unhappy: "I have really eaten enough of their dog food these days. From now on, I will eat it not only by myself, but also by you. I will no longer be alone."

This sentence successfully made the executives laugh.

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