Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2160 Fighting All Night 2

Su Haoyu immediately cried and said, "It's really just this once."

Su Changyi didn't say a word to him this time.

"If you don't fight all night, just fight for a few hours, is that okay?" Su Haoyu took a step back.

Su Changyi still didn't say a word to him.

Jing Jing smiled and persuaded: "Dad, Chang Yi is also thinking about your health. You are not a young man anymore. It's not good to stay up late."

Su Haoyu knew that Su Changyi was doing it for his own good, but he still didn't want to give up, "Then just fight for two hours. It's only seven o'clock now. If you wait two hours, it will be more than nine o'clock. I can try to sleep at ten o'clock. Really, Yi'er "

Su Changyi finally spoke again, but instead of promising two hours, he said: "One hour."

Seeing that Su Changyi also gave in, even if it was only for a short hour, Su Haoyu was still very happy and immediately said to An Baobao: "Baby, grandpa will also play games with you later!"

"Yeah." Baby An nodded happily. Her parents are fine, her grandfather and uncle are also fine. She is really happy every day in this home, without any worries at all.

Jing Jing laughed: "Baby, why do I feel that you are addicted to playing games? Do you want to change it?"

An Baobao immediately shook his head: "No. Let me play happily for a while. I will definitely get tired of it one day."

Jing Jing doesn't believe that her precious daughter will ever get tired of playing games. Anyway, she really doesn't believe it now.

Su Changyi was more straightforward and made the request directly: "Forget it tonight, no one is allowed to play games all night from now on." After a pause, "I am thinking about your health."

Originally, Su Chengyu and An Baobei wanted to argue, but when they heard Su Changyi's last sentence, which was for their health, they immediately fainted and agreed.

The body is the capital of revolution. They must have a good body to continue playing games every day.

Su Haoyu was very happy. He was really envious when he saw Su Chengyu and An Baobei always playing games all night long, but in the future they wouldn't be able to play games all night long, so he felt balanced.

On Anjing's side, the family of five is Hehe Meimei, but on the other side, without Lin Anjing turning in their wages on time, Lin Jiancheng and Wu Meifeng's life would be worse than the other.

Even if life gets worse day by day, Lin Jiecheng and Wu Meifeng have no intention of going out to find jobs to support themselves.

Lin Jiecheng even directed his anger at Lin Anrou.

Also that night, when Lin Anrou came back from a department dinner, Lin Jiecheng went up and slapped Lin Anrou hard.

"Old Lin, what are you doing?!" Seeing that Lin Jiecheng wanted to hit Lin Anrou, Wu Meifeng quickly stepped forward to stop Lin Jiecheng.

Lin Jiecheng could only point one finger at Lin Anrou's nose and curse: "If she hadn't pushed Anjing downstairs, Anjing wouldn't have been hospitalized, and she wouldn't have been provoked to attack me and refuse to acknowledge me as my father! Now! Okay, Anjing doesn’t give any money to the family. The family is living in a tight situation. Why do you think I beat her? Of course it’s all her fault! I don’t care. If Anjing doesn’t give the family any money, then it’s up to her. Give!"

"Dad, you actually hit me." After being hit for the first time, Lin Anrou was in disbelief, angry and aggrieved. And because Lin Jiecheng asked her to give money to her family, she no longer felt aggrieved, only angry: "Why do you want me to take money? Go ask her for it! Isn't she the one who gives money to her family all the time? I don't have it!" I won’t give it!”

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