Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2173 You ignore me 5

An Baobei cheered a few more times, then went to the next room and took out a bank card from her bag. She came to Ning Zihan's room again and stretched out the bank card towards Ning Zihan: " Ning Zihan, please return my jade pendant to me. Twenty million should be enough to redeem it."

Ning Zihan did not answer the card, but turned to the drawer and took out the jade pendant for An Baobao.

"Forget about the money, you are President Su's daughter. President Su and I are business partners, so just think that I did a small favor for President Su. Besides, President Su also invited me to dinner last time to express his gratitude. This has been a long time ago. It’s over.”

"You really don't want it?"

"My monthly pocket money is more than this, so you should keep it for yourself." After a pause, "When you are cured, find a job by yourself. Don't always ask President Su for money. After all, he is not your relative." Dad." He paused again, "It's better to rely on yourself."

He heard clearly in the video that she asked Su Changyi for the 20 million.

Just thinking about what she wanted from Su Changyi made him feel a little uncomfortable.

An Baobei didn't argue with Ning Zihan that Su Changyi was her biological father. She just nodded happily and said: "Well, when I get better, I will find a job to earn money by myself!"

Seeing that An Baobei is not against the idea of ​​treatment at all, people who don’t know that she is sick really can’t see that she is sick now. It seems that she is really about to be cured, and the effect of the treatment is really remarkable now.

Ning Zihan felt confident and wanted An Baobei to go back to the market now, but when he saw the heavy rain pouring outside, he said, "You can go back to the market tomorrow. It seems to be sunny tomorrow."

"Yeah." Baby An had no objection.

Just at this moment, Lu Yimi called, and An Baobei quickly answered the call. As soon as the call was connected, Lu Yimi's urgent voice came over: "Baby, where are you now? The driver has been looking for you at the city airport for a long time, but he couldn't find you."

An Baobao said: "Uncle Lu, don't worry, I'm already safe at Ning Zihan's place. But when I got off the plane, I looked around the airport and couldn't find the car you prepared for me, so I took a taxi here by myself. ”

"Why didn't you call me when you took a taxi? It scared me to death!" On the other side of the phone, Lu Yimi breathed a sigh of relief. "If I lose you, your father will definitely kill me."

"I'm sorry, Uncle Lu, I didn't expect to call you, but I will definitely pay attention next time! By the way, tell my parents that I won't go back today. It's raining heavily in the city tomorrow. I'll go back again."

"Then I'll ask the driver to pick you up at the door of Mr. Ning's villa tomorrow."

"No, it's Sunday tomorrow and Ning Zihan won't be at work. I'll just ask him to take me to the airport. You just need to help me prepare the plane."

Ning Zihan stood aside: ""I don't want to give it away

"That's okay." After a pause, Lu Yimi still said worriedly: "If you need anything, just call me." She was only nineteen years old, a girl, and so beautiful, alone. Outside, to be honest, he was really worried.

"Yeah." After a few brief words with Lu Yimi, An Baobei hung up the phone.

As soon as she hung up the phone, An Baobao smiled and said to Ning Zihan, "Ning Zihan, take me to the airport tomorrow."

Ning Zihan was silent and nodded: "Yes."

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