Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2180 The modern wedding of Jing Jing and Su Changyi 5

The groom, Su Changyi, together with Su Haoyu and Su Chengyu, greeted the guests at the wedding venue and greeted them.

The bride is quietly in the bridal room, waiting for the wedding to start and then comes out of the bridal room.

It's an open-air wedding.

The wedding venue layout is particularly dreamy and beautiful.

"Dad, grandpa, second uncle!" Suddenly, An Baobao, who was conservatively dressed but youthful, ran over happily. "Mom has already put on makeup, she's so beautiful!"

Some older bosses who were chatting with Su Changyi and the others noticed An Baobao, and they all laughed and became curious: "Mr. Su, when did Changyi have such an old daughter? How come we didn't know about it?" ”

Today's eldest son's wedding, Su Haoyu was already grinning from ear to ear. When he saw them asking about An Baobao, he was even more delighted: "It's not a kiss, it's my eldest daughter-in-law who won it through a bet. Who loses?" The one who wins is called mom, but although the baby is not my biological granddaughter, I treat her as my biological granddaughter. If you see me in the future, don't bully my granddaughter. Come on, baby, say hello to you grandfathers. ”

An Baobei immediately greeted her sweetly: "Hello, grandpas, my name is An Baobao."

The big guys who were a bit old but not old enough to be grandfathers were stunned for a moment, then laughed and said: "Okay, okay, we have benefited from Mr. Su, and we are all grandfathers."

Anyway, the atmosphere was harmonious.

Through this wedding, all the guests who came to attend knew the character of An Baobao.

After staying at the wedding venue for a while, Su Changyi couldn't stay any longer and wanted to go to the bridal room to see Anjing.

He hasn't seen his wife in an hour, and he really misses her.

So, Su Changyi said to Su Chengyu, "Just keep an eye on me. I'll go to the bride's room to see your sister-in-law."

Su Chengyu immediately smiled evilly and said, "I want to see how beautiful my sister-in-law is now."

Su Changyi glanced at him sideways, "She is already very beautiful without makeup."

Su Chengyu rarely looked back at his eldest brother: "Brother, I finally discovered that in your eyes, my eldest sister-in-law is good at everything."

Su Changyi actually nodded: "Yes."

Su Chengyu: ""I'm afraid that your serious way of loving your wife is too disgusting!

Su Changyi ignored Su Chengyu and walked towards the bride's room. An Baobei was talking to Su Haoyu. Seeing that Su Changyi seemed to be going to the bride's room, she quickly followed him.

"Dad, I'll go with you!"

"Yeah." Su Changyi had no objection.

As soon as she entered the bride's room, Baby An praised Zheng's quietness sitting there: "Mom, you are so beautiful today!"

Jing Jing smiled and said, "Isn't it beautiful? This diamond necklace alone costs hundreds of millions."

There are also diamonds on the crown, earrings, and diamonds on the wedding dress. Anyway, she spent a lot of money on this outfit.

Seeing Su Changyi come to her side, Jing Jing asked Su Changyi: "Husband, do you look good?"

Su Changyi looked at her tenderly and lovingly with cold eyes, unable to look away, but he did not forget to nod lightly: "It looks good."

"That money is not wasted." Jing Jing smiled. .

As soon as Su Chengyu came in, he heard An Jing mentioning money, and immediately laughed loudly: "Sister-in-law, you always do it for money. Our family is not short of money. Don't mention it in the future. If your dad hears it, he will say something to you again." You know, Dad said, he and I are two rice bugs, and I don’t mind if you and my baby are rice bugs to eat my brother’s rice together.”

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