Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2183 The modern wedding of Jing Jing and Su Changyi 8

Ning Zihan lived in a suite. Not only was the door of the suite open, but he also opened the door of the master bedroom, and he was sleeping in the master bedroom.

When An Baobei entered the suite, she saw that Ning Zihan was not in the living room, but the door of the master bedroom was open, so she subconsciously went into the master bedroom.

Seeing that Ning Zihan simply wrapped a bath towel and slept on the bed, and his hair was still wet, An Baobei hurried to wake Ning Zihan up for fear that Ning Zihan would get sick from sleeping like this.

"Ning Zihan, you can't sleep like this, you have to dry your hair before sleeping."

"Don't make noise!" Ning Zihan, who was drunk and had a headache and wanted to sleep, didn't even open his eyes, and shouted these two words.

An Baobei knew that he was drunk when she saw him like this, so she didn't call him up, but went to the bathroom and took out a hair dryer to blow Ning Zihan's hair.

Ning Zihan's head hurt even more because of the sound of the hair dryer, so he buried his face in the pillow directly, and at the same time, covered his ears with both sides of the pillow to eliminate the noise, so that he could sleep peacefully.

Seeing that Ning Zihan didn't scold her, An Baobei continued to blow Ning Zihan's hair. Ning Zihan had short hair, so she quickly dried it. Once it was dry, she put away the hair dryer and sent him to the bathroom.

When she came out of the bathroom, she saw Ning Zihan's eyes from the pillow, looking at her.

"You're awake." An Baobei was happy.

Ning Zihan immediately closed his eyes, and didn't say whether he was awake or not, but muttered with alcohol: "I don't know if the disease is cured or not."

An Baobei thought he was asking her, so she immediately answered: "Not yet." She planned to say that she was cured after a while, otherwise, it would be too fast and make him suspicious.

"No," Ning Zihan buried his face in the pillow again, and his voice was a little unclear, "No wonder I don't hate you."

An Baobei's heart was instantly tightened.

Ning Zihan didn't say anything else, but turned over and fell asleep on his side facing An Baobei.

An Baobei did not bother Ning Zihan, but walked to the bedside, pulled the thin quilt on the bed to cover Ning Zihan, and at the same time, she said in her heart: "Ning Zihan, do you know that this is a psychological effect? ​​I, I am not sick at all." After covering Ning Zihan with the quilt, looking at Ning Zihan's cold and handsome face, An Baobei sighed softly, then turned and walked out. She didn't know why Ning Zihan hated women so much, but she could see that Ning Zihan had been hinting to himself that he should hate women and he shouldn't like women. It wasn't until she closed the door of Ning Zihan's suite from the outside that An Baobei complained very quietly: "If you hate me as much as you hate other women, I won't like you at all. Now it's all your fault." The next day, An Baobei woke up early in the morning, and then happily went to find Ning Zihan. It happened that the waiter brought breakfast to Ning Zihan, so she took the dining cart and knocked on Ning Zihan's door. Although Ning Zihan was drunk last night, he woke up early today. As soon as he woke up, he felt that he had a headache and a stomachache because of the drunkenness, so he asked the hotel to send him breakfast.

This hotel was booked by Su Changyi to accommodate guests. It was very luxurious and the hotel service was very thoughtful.

As soon as Ning Zihan asked for breakfast, the hotel waiter quickly brought it up. .

Hearing the knock on the door, knowing that breakfast was coming, Ning Zihan, who had just washed his face, came to open the door. Seeing that it was not the waiter who brought breakfast, but An Baobao, he was stunned at first, and then stepped aside and let An Baobao push the dining cart in.

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