Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2221 Ning Zihan has someone he likes? 1

Jing Jing sighed again, then smiled and said: "Fortunately, we will meet Brother Ye often after we cooperate, so even if we go to visit aunt and uncle, they won't think there is anything strange."

As soon as they got home, Jing Jing and Su Changyi saw An Baobao lying on the sofa in the living room, eating salad and watching TV.

As soon as An Baobao saw them, she smiled and said, "Mom and Dad, you are back." Then she complained, "Dad, since Mom was pregnant, you haven't taken Mom out to socialize at night. Why did you go tonight? "

Su Changyi didn't say anything, just helped An Jing sit down on the sofa.

Jing Jing smiled and said, "Tonight's client is very important, and mom is fine. Don't always blame your dad."

Baby An smiled again: "I blame dad for your own good. Dad won't blame me, right, dad?"

Su Changyi did not answer, but asked without any emotion: "Are you ready for the live broadcast?"

"It started at eight o'clock, and the live broadcast lasted for an hour. It's already past nine o'clock now. Of course it's done. I chatted with someone for ten minutes. Then I felt a little hungry, so I went downstairs and asked the housekeeper to give me some. I made a salad. It’s delicious. Mom, do you want some?”

Jing Jing shook his head: "I just came back from eating in the restaurant. I'm not hungry at all. You'd better eat it by yourself. By the way, isn't that person going to reward you again today?"

Anjing and the others also know about An Baobao's number one fan.

"Hit me again. He beats me every time I live broadcast. I'm used to it. Today he gave me 20,000 in a heart-warming way. But he told me that if I give him a gift for the first place again one day, he will give me a reward. more."

Jing Jing laughed: "It seems that all your gifts were rewarded by him, right? I saw that your other fans on Weibo were screaming. It's not interesting to say that a person relies on money."

An Baobei also laughed: "Then I can't help it. I promised to give a gift to the first place. Whoever rewards the most will naturally give it to him." Then, An Baobao looked at Su Changyi: "Dad, I earned it last month. All the money has been donated to your foundation.”

Su Changyi nodded, indicating that he understood. The charitable foundation he set up had a dedicated person in charge, and he would just inspect it from time to time to prevent anyone from taking advantage of the foundation.

The money from this charity foundation is used to rescue people, and he will never let anyone profit from it.

Jing Jing is still very curious about that person: "Baby, that person is so rich. I think he must be a big shot like your father who has more money than he can use up."

"I have asked him this question a long time ago, but he just said that he has plenty of money and refused to say anything else."

"Plenty of money," Jing Jing laughed, "You have such a domineering personality?!"

An Baobei took advantage of the situation and complained: "He still always ignores people, but we have been chatting online for more than half a year, and I am used to it."

Jing Jing was still laughing: "Anyway, I don't understand those star-chasers."

"You only have dad in your eyes, how can you be star-chasing!"

Jing Jing found it even more amusing: "Are you jealous, or are you complaining?"

An Baobei immediately smiled and said, "You have both. You and dad are really in love."

"Isn't this bad?"

"Okay, otherwise how could you raise such a good me?"


An Baobei immediately stopped laughing and snorted: "Yesterday, everyone said that I was self-abusing. They clearly don't like me, but they still like them. It's clear that I'm looking for abuse and discomfort."

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