Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2230 Ning Zihan has someone he likes? 10

"One person said something very right," An Baobei continued, "He said he likes me and it has nothing to do with me. Now I also want to say that I like Ning Zihan, but it has nothing to do with Ning Zihan. I will be honest in the future. I can’t forget it, I still like Ning Zihan, and I like it silently. As for Ning Zihan, I really don’t care, and I won’t let Ning Zihan affect my mood. "

Jing Jing nodded reassuringly: "It's good if you think so. Your dad didn't mean to say what he said to you. Your dad just felt that if he could be tempted by you, he would have been attracted by you long ago. He wanted you to recognize this, so as not to You got hurt from him again."

"I understand what dad means. I just don't like how dad always speaks so sharply."

Jing Jing laughed: "Your dad is like that. If he doesn't speak sharply, you might not get used to it."

An Baobao smiled and said, "But if dad is so sharp again, maybe he will make me have an Electra complex. I really admire dad so much!"

Jing Jing immediately turned into a tiger, pretending to be unhappy and scolded: "Don't steal a man from me!"

"Hahaha" An Baobao immediately fell down on the bed laughing.

Afraid that Baby An would press down on An Qing's belly, Su Changyi hurried forward and asked Baby An to pour a little to the side.

An Baobao joked enviously: "Dad, you are such a considerate mother."

An Jing's face was full of happiness.

Su Changyi urged: "If you have nothing to do, go back to your room. Your mother didn't sleep much today."

In other words, his wife is going to have a rest now.

Upon hearing this, An Baobao immediately stood up and walked out with a smile. Her mother was pregnant, and she didn't plan to disturb her for long. Now that everything was settled, she had nothing to worry about. Of course, she had to go back to her room quickly and let her mother rest early.

As soon as An Baobao went out, Su Changyi locked the door, and then asked An An to sleep.

But Jing Jing refused to sleep: "Let me watch TV for a while. When you come out from the shower, we can sleep together."

Su Changyi thought that Anjing hadn't slept much today, so he didn't want Anjing to watch TV, but wanted Anjing to sleep. But he didn't want to ignore Anjing's wishes, so he asked, "Do you really want to watch it that much?"

Jing Jing immediately smiled brightly: "Actually, I don't really want to watch it, but I suddenly learned that there is a woman who looks like Wen Xian, which makes me not sleepy right now. Just let me watch TV until you finish taking a shower. Come out, I guess I’ll be sleepy.”

Su Changyi then picked up the remote control and turned it on, letting Anjing watch TV. At the same time, he said lightly: "Don't worry too much. If Chengyu and Wenxian are really destined, they will be together in this life."

"Yeah." After nodding happily, he asked quietly, "What about Ning Zihan?"

"What do you care about him? There are too many people in this world who are separated and reunited. Look at how many girlfriends Chengyu has had before. And even if Ning Zihan breaks up, he is not the kind who will not be able to survive. "

Jing Jing immediately said sweetly: "If I didn't have you, I would definitely not be able to survive."

Su Changyi heard the corner of his mouth curl up even if he tried to suppress it. He bent down, lowered his head, and exchanged a good kiss with Jingjing before he walked towards the bathroom. The second he entered the bathroom, he spoke: "Me too. ”

I can't live without you.

This is real.

There are so many things they have experienced between them. They are already one person. He is her and she is him. How can they be separated from each other.

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