Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2243 You are not being mean, I am.

An Baobei smiled bitterly: "If it were before, I would definitely refute you because I couldn't help myself. But now, maybe my heart is tired. Anyway, I don't feel anything anymore. I just feel like that."

After being silent for a while, An Baobei said in her voice again: "I don't know why I did that in the first place. Maybe" she smiled bitterly, "maybe I am really a bitch."

Ning Zihan said heartily: You are not being mean, it is me who is being mean. I like you obviously, but pretend not to like you, and still flirt with you. It is really me who is being mean. It is really me.

"If I hadn't been mean, he wouldn't have used his sister as a shield to say she was his girlfriend. He was like that because he was afraid that I would be mean and pester him again." An Baobao was full of bitterness.

Ning Zihan didn't know how to comfort An Baobao, so he just said: "He doesn't deserve this."

"I don't think it's worth it either. He's not nice to me at all now, and I can't even remember how nice he was to me in the past. I don't have any other ideas now, I just want to stay away from him forever. "

"If he treats you like that, you should never have anything to do with him."

An Baobei sighed: "Originally, I planned not to contact him again, and decided that it would have nothing to do with me in the future. Now, I really don't want to contact him anymore, and no matter what he does, It has nothing to do with me anymore, I just can’t get over it at the moment, I’ll be fine when I get over it.”

Immediately, An Baobao smiled: "I have told you everything in my heart, and I feel much better."

"Don't you always say that I am the trash can for you to talk to? If you have anything to say, you can just tell me."

An Baobao smiled and said: "Now that I have finished talking, there is nothing more to say. I will continue to watch TV. You can go to bed early. You have to go to work tomorrow. I don't have to work from nine to five."


After he stopped talking to An Baobao, Ning Zihan thought deeply about his own affairs.

An Baobei said that she would never have any contact with him until the end of her life?


This is what he wants.

But he was also very uncomfortable in his heart.

He would rather she have a serious fight with him for lying to her before she has no contact with him forever. Maybe, he will feel better. She thinks she is despicable and has stopped having any contact with him. To be honest, he really doesn't want to do this.

He didn't want her to think of herself as mean.

He really didn't think she was mean.

On the other side, An Baobei stopped chatting with 'one person' and really continued to watch TV. At the same time, she couldn't help but murmured: "It's hard to live forever without seeing each other."

Ning Wenxian was his sister. Once Ning Wenxian and her second uncle were together again, as a member of the Su family, she would not be able to keep in touch with him forever.

That's all she said.

Think about it then.

What she could actually do was to not say a word to him even if she saw him in the future, and just pretend that he didn't exist.

And she believed that her parents, grandpa, second uncle, and her future second aunt would all understand her if she treated him as non-existent.

Su Chengyu stayed at home for ten days and then went to the market again. He called and video-chased Ning Wenxian every day. He felt that it was not enough, so he had to go to the market in person to continue pursuing Ning Wenxian.

An Baobei also knew that Su Chengyu had gone to the market. Originally, Su Chengyu had considered her mood and not gone to the market. She personally persuaded her, saying that she had long wanted a second aunt, and asked Su Chengyu to quickly get Ning Wenxian. Got it.

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