Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2272 Don’t You Know Me?

Su Chengyu took advantage of the situation and glanced back at Ning Wenxian, then raised his chin and hummed: "I don't know him."

After saying that, he strode into the bar.

The waiter really thought that Su Chengyu didn't know Ning Wenxian and thought that Ning Wenxian was just here to hang out in the bar, so he quickly invited Ning Wenxian into the bar.

Ning Wenxian first smiled politely at the waiter, and then continued to follow Su Chengyu silently.

Waiter: ""Don't you know me?

Su Chengyu didn't care if there was a tail behind him, he just walked straight towards the second floor of the bar, while Ning Wenxian was stopped by another waiter at the stairs.

"Miss, you can't go up."

Ning Wenxian asked: "Why can't I go up?" Then she pointed to Su Chengyu who was still going upstairs, "How can he go up?"

"The top is the VIP area. That's our boss. Of course you can go up there." The waiter was still very polite.

"Oh." Ning Wenxian smiled politely again, then stopped going up and stood at the top of the stairs, waiting for Su Chengyu to come down.

The waiter felt that it was not good for Ning Wenxian to stand at the stairs all the time, so he politely suggested: "Miss, you can go over there and have a drink."

Ning Wenxian followed the waiter's line of sight and glanced at the bar not far away. A bartender was mixing drinks there. If she were sitting there, she would have noticed what was going on here, so Ning Wenxian went there. .

As soon as the bartender saw her sitting down, he smiled politely and asked, "What would you like to drink?"

Ning Wenxian ordered a red cocktail.

The owner of this body went to bars several times with friends when she was abroad, and she has the memory of this body and is actually no stranger to bars. But after all, she is still an ancient person, and she actually can't accept men and women dancing close to each other on the dance floor.

She couldn't accept it, so she didn't look at it. Instead, she held the cocktail as a display, her eyes still staring in the direction of the stairs.

Her royal sister-in-law said that she wanted her emperor to get used to her being around, so she had to always appear in front of her emperor to make her presence felt.

Therefore, during this period, as long as she can appear in front of her emperor, she will appear in front of her emperor.

While Ning Wenxian was staring at the stairs, a man with yellow hair wearing a floral shirt came next to Ning Wenxian and struck up a conversation with Ning Wenxian: "Beauty, are you alone?"

Ning Wenxian saw that this man was good-looking, but his eyes were narrowed when he looked at her. She was very resistant and sat on another high stool, farther away from this man, but he was good-looking. But her upbringing made her answer politely: "No, two people."

The yellow-haired man saw Ning Wenxian sitting on another stool, freeing up the high stool she was sitting on. He immediately thought that Ning Wenxian was inviting him to sit down. He sat down happily and said with a smile: "Two Personally? What about another one?”

As he spoke, the yellow-haired man looked around.

Ning Wenxian was very disgusted with why the yellow-haired man was still leaning towards her when he was sitting there, but she still pointed upstairs and said, "Upstairs."

Upstairs is the VIP area, where you are either rich or expensive.

The yellow-haired man was stunned for a moment, then laughed and said: "Beauty, don't lie to me. I've been watching you for a long time, and you've been sitting here alone. Gee, I didn't expect that a beautiful woman like you would lie to me." Ah. Come on, let’s have a drink.”

Saying that, the yellow-haired man clinked glasses with Ning Wenxian with lustful eyes.

The yellow-haired man drank, but Ning Wenxian did not.

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