Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2287 Seeing Ning Zihan again 7

Su Changyi didn't say anything.

But An Jing laughed and said, "Your dad is pretending to be drunk, but your second uncle is really drunk. It's all your dad's fault for not helping your second uncle to drink."

An Baobei laughed and said, "Dad pretends to be drunk because he's afraid that mom will be tired taking care of Momo and Xinxin alone at night. It's so good. With dad helping to take care of them, mom will be less tired."

An Jing's face was immediately full of happiness.

After talking to An Jing and Su Changyi for a while, An Baobei planned to go back to her room to rest.

When she passed by Ning Zihan's room again, she found that Ning Zihan was still drunk and lying on the door, holding the bank card in his hand from time to time to open the door, but he still couldn't open it.

An Baobei didn't want to pay attention to Ning Zihan. Now every time she saw Ning Zihan, she never talked to him, and she just treated him as if he didn't exist. But now, she couldn't stand it anymore.

According to his condition, the door should never be opened.

Seeing half of the room card sticking out of his suit pocket, she immediately strode over, took out the room card from his pocket and swiped it on the sensor, and the door opened. Ning Zihan, who was originally lying on the door to open it, fell into the room, lying on the floor above his knees, and his lower body remained outside.

Ning Zihan fell to the ground and groaned in pain at first, then felt the ground was flat and fell asleep.

An Baobei: "" An Baobei was just silent, and kicked the person on the ground with her foot: "Hey, Ning Zihan, go to the room to sleep, what do you look like like this."

Ning Zihan was already asleep, and there was no response at all.

An Baobei was too lazy to pay attention to Ning Zihan, and turned around to go back to her room, but after only two steps, she turned back and pulled Ning Zihan's suit jacket, and dragged Ning Zihan into the room, so that Ning Zihan could also be in the room below his knees.

Fortunately, she was strong enough, so it was not difficult to drag Ning Zihan like this.

After the door was closed, An Baobei stopped dragging Ning Zihan in.

"If you hadn't embarrassed my second aunt and second uncle by being seen like that, I wouldn't have dragged you in!"

An Baobei snorted at Ning Zihan, who was still lying on the ground, and turned to leave.

But she had just taken a step when her right foot was hugged.

An Baobei looked down and saw Ning Zihan holding her right foot, his eyes closed, mumbling incoherently: "Sorry, sorry, sorry"

"What did you say?" An Baobei didn't hear clearly, so she lowered her head.

Ning Zihan suddenly looked up, and his eyes opened instantly, his eyes were sharp as if he wanted to penetrate An Baobei.

It was too sudden, and An Baobei was very frightened. Just when she wanted to kick Ning Zihan away, she heard Ning Zihan ask: "Are you An Baobei?"

"If it's not me, then who is it? Let me go quickly! Otherwise, I'll kick you!" An Baobei threatened.

Ning Zihan's sharp eyes dimmed little by little, and his cold face slowly showed apology and sadness. This time, he was no longer slurring his words: "I'm sorry, I just don't want to be involved with women, I didn't want you to leave that home, and I didn't want your mother to have a premature birth."

An Baobei was very surprised: "You actually apologized?!"

Ning Zihan didn't care what An Baobei said, but continued to hold An Baobei's right foot, lowered his head little by little, and put it on the ground, and kept apologizing: "I'm sorry, sorry, sorry"

But his voice became smaller and smaller, and more and more vague, making it difficult for people to hear what he was saying.

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