Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2296 A Big Misunderstanding 6

"Brother, what exactly do you want to say?" Ning Wenxian really didn't understand.

Ning Zihan then said: "About your brother Junlin's love for your sister Wutong, you are not allowed to say a word, not a word. This is what I want you to promise me."

"Looking at what you did just now, brother, I thought it was a big deal. Turns out it's just such a small thing. Of course it's okay!" Ning Wenxian agreed readily. "I won't tell anyone, brother, don't worry!"

"Chengyu, then you are not allowed to say anything." Ning Zihan continued to demand.

"This" Su Chengyu is her husband. She actually wants to be like her royal brother and sister-in-law, who talks about everything. There is no secret or concealment between the two parties.

Ning Zihan immediately said: "You just promised me."

Ning Wenxian thought that this matter should have nothing to do with whether Su Chengyu said it or not, so she stopped hesitating and said with a very happy smile: "Okay, as you said, Brother Junlin likes Sister Wutong. I won’t tell anyone, not even Chengyu, okay?”


"Brother, why don't you allow me to tell this?" Suddenly, Ning Wenxian became curious.

"You don't need to know too much. Just take good care of your baby. If you need anything, just call me."

Ning Wenxian laughed: "If I need anything, of course I will be the first to tell my husband. How can I come to you first like before? Otherwise, my husband will definitely be sad."

Ning Zihan was silent for a while before asking, "How are their people treating you?"

"I can joke with you so happily now, how could they treat me badly? That's great! Brother, you don't have to worry." After a pause, "If I have a bad life, I will tell you."


When An Baobei returned to Su's house, Anjing and the others were in the living room with their two babies, Su Mo and Su Xin, drinking afternoon tea and eating delicious snacks.

Su Haoyu was the first to see An Baobao and asked in surprise: "Baby, why are you back so soon? Didn't you go to the market to see what a person looks like?"

An Baobao jumped up to everyone and said with a smile: "I have already seen it, and then I came back."

Originally, when she left Li Junlin, she was in a bad mood, but after a brief chat with someone online, she felt that nothing had happened, and naturally her mood was no longer bad. Just like before, chatting with someone online, nothing has changed.

Su Chengyu had just brought a small piece of pastry to Ning Wenxian to eat. When he heard what An Baobao said, he immediately asked gossiping: "Tell me, tell me, what does that person look like? Is he extremely ugly?"

"Why is he so ugly? He's just trying to trick me. He's not ugly at all." An Baobei sat down on the sofa next to An Jing. "If you really think about it, he is quite handsome. And let me tell you, he is still a big shot. No wonder he is so rich."

Su Chengyu became even more curious: "What kind of boss?"

An Baobei didn't directly say who it was, but smiled and said: "The biggest boss in the city."

Su Chengyu immediately screamed: "Li Junlin?!"

At the same time, Ning Wenxian blurted out: "Brother Junlin!"

Anjing and the others were also surprised.

But everyone looked at Ning Wenxian. An Baobei also asked: "Second aunt, why do you call Li Junlin brother Junlin? Are you familiar with each other?" If you want to chat with more like-minded people about Chang'an, follow "Youdu" on WeChat and chat about life. Looking for a confidant

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