Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2299 A big misunderstanding 9

But An Baobao felt this way. Li Junlin and Ning Zihan were good friends, and it would be better for her to talk less about Ning Zihan in front of Li Junlin.

Besides, she doesn't like Ning Zihan now, so it's better not to mention Ning Zihan, so as not to let Ning Zihan know about it one day and think that she has unresolved feelings for him. That would be even worse.

And she didn't know at all that Li Junlin was not a person at all, but Ning Zihan was.

Not only An Baobei was stimulated by the love between Jing Jing, Su Changyi, Ning Wenxian and Su Chengyu, but Lu Yimi was also stimulated.

Now, whenever Lu Yimi goes to work and sees their CEO, Su Changyi, happily married, he becomes very jealous.

So, that day, when Su Haoyu asked him to come to Su's house for dinner, and seeing that the atmosphere was very good, Lu Yimi took the opportunity to ask for leave from their CEO.

For many years in the company, Lu Yimi was like a rock. He had never asked for leave or missed a day of work. Everyone was surprised to ask for leave today. At the same time, they were also very curious.

Su Changyi asked: "The reason."

Lu Yimi hesitated for a moment, then spoke honestly: "I go to work every day and don't have time to fall in love. I'm almost thirty-one, and it's time to get married and have children."

Su Changyi said calmly: "Let's wait until you find a partner."

In other words: You don’t have a partner, so I won’t approve of it.

Lu Yimi understood and immediately said, "If you don't allow me to take a leave, I won't have time to find a partner."

Su Haoyu has always regarded Lu Yimi as his godson. He felt that what Lu Yimi said was right, so he helped: "Yes, Yi'er, just let Yimi leave. He is already thirty-one, and he is still a child." People are so pitiful.”

Lu Yimi: ""I don't think I'm pitiful

Su Changyi then asked: "How many days do you want to stay?"

Lu Yimi said: "At least a month."

"It's too long." Su Changyi was unwilling.

Su Chengyu also said: "Brother Mi, it's been too long. Besides, I think meeting the right person depends on fate. Look at my brother and my sister-in-law, and look at Wenxian and I. Which one of us didn't meet by chance? You If you are so deliberate, I think you may not be able to make it even if you take three months' leave. You'd better just let nature take its course. Just take it for a week or two. If you don't encounter it, just treat it as a day off for yourself and relax. It’s time to take a break, I haven’t seen you take a vacation in so many years.”

Lu Yimi thought about it and felt that he was being too deliberate, so he took a step back and said, "For two weeks, I'll walk around. If I meet someone suitable, I'll talk to him. If I don't, I'll wait for fate."

Su Changyi then granted Lu Yimi two weeks of leave.

At this time, An Baobao also spoke with a smile: "Uncle Lu, it just so happens that I also want to fall in love, why don't we do it?"

Lu Yimi immediately waved his hands in fear: "Forget it, if this goes wrong, your parents, grandpa, uncle, and aunt won't let me go. I'd better find someone else. Besides, we all know each other." It’s been more than two years, and we’ve met so many times, but we haven’t had that kind of relationship between a man and a woman. We still get along like that, so don’t waste your time and mine. It’s not easy for me to take a leave of absence.”

Everyone, including An Baobei, was amused.

Su Haoyu smiled and felt his nasal cavity getting hot. He quickly rolled up a tissue to block it. Seeing that his nose was really bleeding, he stuffed the tissue deeper into his nasal cavity.

When Su Changyi saw it, he immediately became nervous and asked urgently: "Dad, what's wrong with you?" I want to chat with more like-minded people about Chang'an, the agricultural community. Follow "Youdu" on WeChat to chat about life and find confidants.

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