Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2311 Pursuing Baby An 11

"I just want to prove that I really like you." Ning Zihan's tone was rarely aggrieved.

She was the one who didn't believe it.

She even found a reasonable reason to say that he didn't like her at all.

He really didn't like her for the sake of repaying a favor. What era is it now? Does he have to be saved and marry her? However, he wanted to be with her because of what happened today.

"Why don't you prove it with something else? You prove it by kissing me?!" An Baobei yelled at him.

"But I said so much before, you just don't believe it, so I..." After a moment of silence, he asked: "Do you believe it now?"

"Believe you! I don't believe it, I don't believe it!" An Baobei was so sad and angry that she didn't care whether she believed it or not, and she directly sang against Ning Zihan, who made her sad and angry.

Seeing that An Baobei looked like she was about to cry, Ning Zihan's mouth curled up slightly: "It seems that I believe it."

"I said I don't believe it, don't you understand what I say?!" An Baobei still yelled at him.

Seeing that she would contradict him no matter what he said, Ning Zihan said, "Let's talk about it when you calm down." After a pause, "I've called your parents, they should be here soon."

"Who asked you to be nosy!"

"We can't hide it, so we might as well tell them, lest they say we hid such a big thing from them."

"What do you mean we?! It's me! You are you, don't get involved with me!"

Ning Zihan didn't say anything. Just because he felt that she was angry now, he should not say anything.

But he didn't know that the more he didn't say, the angrier An Baobei would be.

An Baobei was so angry that she wanted to lie down with her back to Ning Zihan, but she couldn't lie sideways in her current state, she could only lie flat. There was no way, she could only tilt her head and face Ning Zihan with the back of her head, which just happened to allow her to not see Ning Zihan.

She thought that this would make her look innocent, but the person was sitting behind her, and even if she looked innocent, she couldn't calm down for a while.

Just when An Baobao's temper eased a little, An Jing and Su Changyi hurriedly pushed open the door of the ward and came in.

As soon as An Jing came in, she rushed to An Baobao on the bed, her face full of worry: "Baby."

"Mom." Seeing her relatives, thinking that it would be difficult for An Baobao to get married after being kissed just now, An Baobao's eyes were red with grievance.

Su Changyi didn't say anything, he grabbed Ning Zihan's collar and punched Ning Zihan hard. When he wanted to punch Ning Zihan a second time, An Baobao hurriedly stopped him: "Dad, don't blame him, it's all my meddling. He didn't mean to let me save him at all. Of course, I saved him for the sake of my second aunt."

Su Changyi heard it and then let go of Ning Zihan's collar.

An Jing didn't care about these, but checked An Baobao's injuries. Seeing that An Baobao was so seriously injured, thinking that An Baobao's daughter was stabbed, An Jing felt distressed.

"Does it hurt?" An Jing asked in a gentle voice.

An Baobao immediately cried: "It hurts so much"

"Then why did you save him!" Su Changyi said, his tone was so cold and fierce.

Ning Zihan had a headache. Su Changyi was obviously dissatisfied with him, and An Baobao didn't like him anymore, so how could he be with An Baobao?

An Baobao felt wronged.

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