Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2316 Pursuing Baby An 16

Ning Zihan knew that An Baobao had a good relationship with An Jing and Su Changyi, but he didn't expect that the relationship would be so good. He even told An Jing and Su Changyi that he kissed her.

After five seconds of silence, Ning Zihan felt that he should have some reaction. After all, this person is someone An Baobei cares about very much. Now that people are talking to him, he can't ignore them.

So, Ning Zihan nodded slightly to show that he understood, but he continued to sit there.

Jing Jing couldn't laugh or cry: "It's useless if you push her too hard like this. It might even make her resent you even more."

As he said that, Jing Jing couldn't help but lecture him: "Why doesn't she like you? It's all your fault!"

Ning Zihan also felt that he had done it, and nodded again, but still didn't say a word.

Jing Jing said angrily: "Your pursuit is very disgusting, especially when you are such an adult, you even threaten the baby with a hunger strike to stay with you. The baby doesn't like you anymore, so how can he be afraid of your threats? At most, she will feel a little guilty about it."

Ning Zihan was stunned for a moment, then said without any emotion: "I didn't go on a hunger strike." After a pause, "I didn't eat anything at noon because I wasn't hungry."

In other words, if he is hungry, he will eat.

The quiet moment was awkward. Dare the lover didn’t do it on purpose at all, he just didn’t eat because he wasn’t hungry.

San San laughed several times. Seeing that Ning Zihan still had no intention of leaving, Jing Jing turned around and returned to the ward.

After closing the ward door, she walked to the bedside and whispered to An Baobao: "He refuses to leave. By the way, he didn't eat at noon because he wasn't hungry. Once he is hungry, he will eat."

An Baobei immediately sneered: "It's as if I care whether he eats or not. Mom, don't mention him to me anymore. If he wants to sit outside, just let him sit. I'll watch him Can you sit there for the rest of your life without leaving?"

Jing Jing felt that her precious daughter's mouth was a bit tough.

She could actually tell that her baby daughter did not like Ning Zihan before, but after being kissed by Ning Zihan yesterday, her baby daughter's relationship with Ning Zihan had changed a bit, even if her baby girl There is nothing she can do if her daughter doesn't want to change. If she changes, she will change.

As for whether her precious daughter would fall in love with Ning Zihan again in the future, she was not sure or guaranteed.

Just let nature take its course.

Su Mo and Su Xin are 15 months old and can walk without help. They can also call An Jing and Su Changyi as their parents. Although An Jing is taking care of An Baobao in the e-market, he misses her very much. The two children in the family made long videos with Su Changyi every day, and asked Su Changyi to hold the two children and show them to her.

When the two children saw her face on the phone screen, they would grab the phone screen with their little hands. They were very excited and shouted at the screen: "Mommy, Mommy"

And that night, Jing Jing was video chatting with the two children. The two children started crying while shouting. They were crying very pitifully and their little faces were very aggrieved. It was as if her mother didn’t want them. How come her mother was just On the phone, I don’t hold them or play with them like before.

After Anjing coaxed her through the phone screen for a long time, the two children were still crying, hiccupping and out of breath.

Watching An Jing, her heart was about to be broken by the two children, but she couldn't go back. She had to take care of her precious daughter, but her daughter still could only lie down and couldn't get up.

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