Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2318 Pursuit of Baby An 18

An Baobao became unhappy when she saw him: "Who asked you to come in? Get out!"

Ning Zihan didn't mind that Baby An was so rude to him, but walked to the bedside, put the fruit basket on the bedside table, and asked without any emotion: "Why did your mother leave in such a hurry? "

"You've already met my mother, why can't you just ask my mother? Why are you asking me?"

"I don't want to ask her." After a pause, "It's not like you don't know that I hate women."

Baby An gritted her teeth: "I'm a woman too!"

"I don't hate you."

"You clearly said you hated me before!"

"I've already explained to you why. How long do you want to cause trouble?"

An Baobei immediately sneered: "Have you forgotten, I have also explained to you that I no longer like you!"

"I haven't forgotten." After a pause, "But I still want to be with you."

"So, what are you doing now?" An Baobao sneered again.

"Chase you."

An Baobao laughed angrily, "I don't like you anymore, and I even dislike you. If you chase me now, you will only be annoying!"

Ning Zihan said nothing, but pulled up a chair and sat beside the hospital bed, looking at her.

An Baobao was very angry: "No one cares about you bullying me now, right?"

"Even if no one takes care of you, I will take care of you, don't worry."

"Who are you?! I want you to take care of me! Go away and don't let me see you. I will really get angry when I see you!"

"Then when will your anger subside?" She had been angry with him for almost six days. Logically speaking, it should have subsided.

"It will never go away!"

Ning Zihan stopped talking and just continued to sit there and look at her.

An Baobao said several more angry words, but when she saw that Ning Zihan still refused to leave, she didn't bother to be angry anymore. It felt so unworthy. But she still tilted her head and faced Ning Zihan with the back of her head.

Ning Zihan didn't care, but asked: "Do you want to eat fruit?"

Baby An didn't speak.

Ning Zihan still didn't care, but looked at the fruits in the fruit basket. Then he picked some fruits from the fruit basket and washed them, and then chose an apple from the washed fruits to peel.

After the skin was peeled, he said softly without expression: "Here."

An Baobao thought that the skin had been peeled and she would eat it if she didn't want it, so she turned her face again, took the apple with her right hand and started eating it. While eating, she said: "I want to watch TV."

Ning Zihan walked to the table, picked up the remote control on the table and turned on the TV.

Immediately, he placed the remote control on the bedside table so that Baby An could reach it.

From the corner of her eye, An Baobao saw Ning Zihan being so attentive, but she didn't say anything, but continued to eat the apple and watch the TV that was already on.

Seeing that An Baobao was very happy watching TV, Ning Zihan asked again: "Where is your mother in such a hurry?"

An Baobei immediately squinted: "Are you sure you want to know where my mother is?"

Although Ning Zihan's face was expressionless, he was still quite honest: "I don't want to know, I just want to know when she will come back."

Baby An immediately hummed: "You want to know when she will come back and what she will do."

"If she doesn't come back, I can stay here forever."

"Okay, you," Baobao An immediately became angry, her beautiful eyes widened, "Sure enough, you are bullying me and I can't beat you while I'm lying on the bed! You won't leave even if I ask you to leave!"

Ning Zihan frowned, wondering why An Baobao had such a big reaction. He said calmly: "I want to take care of you, it's not like you don't know."

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