Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2329 Climb to the head, the latest chapter of Nongmen Changan!

Ning Zihan had no interest in Su Mo and Su Xin. He just stood there, looking at An Baobao who was still sitting on the sofa, and asked calmly: "Then, did you read the text message I asked you to have dinner with?"

"Look!" An Baobao was very angry. If she wasn't afraid that he would carry her younger siblings again, she wouldn't have answered.

"Then when will you have dinner with me?"

"Don't eat!"

"Then when can you answer my call?"

"No answer!"

Then, Ning Zihan picked up the cup on the table and turned around.

An Baobei was stunned for a moment, then glared at Ning Zihan again, and then continued to play with her younger brothers and sisters.

Ning Zihan not only poured water for himself, but also poured a cup for Baby An. When he passed by the living room, he didn't say anything. He just put the glass of water for Baby An on the table in front of Baby An. Then, he Just went upstairs.

From the corner of her eye, An Baobei saw Ning Zihan pouring her a glass of water. She didn't say anything, but waited until Ning Zihan was approaching the stairs on the second floor before she glanced at Ning Zihan.

Once Ning Zihan disappeared at the stairs on the second floor, she picked up the glass of water and drank it.

Don't tell me, she is really thirsty.

After drinking more than half the glass in one go, she lay down on the sofa and let her 17-month-old brother and sister climb on her and play.

Seeing that Su Mo wanted to climb on her head, she grabbed Su Mo's little body and said with a smile: "Momo, call me sister, and I will let you climb on my head. How about it?"

Before Su Mo called out, Su Xin, who was crawling to her knees, grinned and shouted inarticulately: "Sister, sister"

Although the two children don't speak many words yet, they have learned how to call family members.

When Su Xin, the younger sister, called out first, Su Mo pursed his lips in displeasure, and then shouted inarticulately to An Baobao: "Sister, sister, sister."

An Baobei first praised the child Su Xin, then stopped dragging the child Su Mo, and allowed the child Su Mo to climb on her head. An Baobao was afraid that Su Mo, her younger brother, would fall, so she still supported Su Mo with one hand.

As for the other hand, it was supporting Su Xin.

As soon as Jing Jing came down from the shower, she saw An Baobao lying on the sofa, and Su Mo was holding An Baobao's head with his two small hands. Su Xin slowly crawled from An Baobao's knees to An Baobao's waist, and she laughed. He said, "Momo and Xinxin will definitely be very close to you from now on."

"Of course, I am their sister." An Baobei did not sit up, but still lay there.

As soon as An Jing came over, she sat next to her and clapped her hands towards Su Xin: "Xinxin, come to Mommy."

Su Xin had already seen her mother coming, and when she saw that her mother still let her pass, she immediately grinned and quickly crawled towards Jing Jing's mother.

When Jing Jing saw her little daughter crawling to her side, she reached out and picked up Su Xin.

Child Su Mo saw his mommy, but he didn't go towards her, and didn't pay much attention to his sister being in his mommy's arms. He just continued to hold An Baobao's head with his two little hands and stared at her with his two little eyes. An Baobei has long hair, and she looks like she is thinking about how to play with An Baobao’s hair.

"Mom, Momo and Xinxin are almost one and a half years old. It's time for you to go to work in the company. If you don't go to work with dad, you don't know how many calls dad makes to you every day."

Jing Jing laughed: "The phone call is for me. Of course I know how many times your dad calls me every day. But I don't think your brothers and sisters are still young. You are so old, but you are still a little kid in my eyes." Children, they are only 17 months old.”

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