Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2333 I have my own considerations

"You should let me tell you that you are the one who donated the bone marrow. That way, Baby An won't be so cold to you." Dr. Qian advised sincerely.

Ning Zihan's face turned cold: "You promised me not to tell."

"Isn't this for your own good? If you tell me, Baby An will be grateful to you. Why is Mr. Su also her name?" Grandpa.

Before Dr. Qian finished speaking, Ning Zihan cut her off coldly: "I don't need her gratitude."

What he wants is for her to fall in love with him again!

Ning Zihan's voice was so cold. Of course Dr. Qian knew that Ning Zihan was angry, so he smiled and said, "Can't you speak properly? If you don't agree with me to say it, how could I say it?"

Ning Zihan first looked at Dr. Qian apologetically, and then said, "Cousin, I have my own considerations."

"Okay, I respect your intention and will continue to keep this secret from you. However, if you need to tell this secret one day and no one believes you, you can ask me to testify, haha." Dr. Qian said cheerfully. burst into laughter.

"Thank you, cousin." Ning Zihan thanked him first, and then said: "They have already gone down to wait for me, so I will leave first."


Ning Zihan stayed at Su's house for another two days.

That day, in the evening, after dinner, before it got dark, An Baobei took baby Su Mo to a nearby park to play.

Ning Zihan saw An Baobao going to the park and followed him there.

Seeing An Baobao bending down from a distance, holding baby Su Mo's hand and walking around the man-made lake in the park, Ning Zihan was not in a hurry and walked slowly towards An Baobao.

When he was approaching, An Baobao saw him, but ignored him and turned her back to him.

Ning Zihan didn't care.

There is a fountain in the man-made lake. The fountain needs to be sprayed at night to be beautiful. Although it is not as beautiful as at night before it is dark, it is not bad.

Especially when baby Su Mo looked at it, he immediately stopped, clapped his little hands, and babbling, looking so happy.

Baby An was squatting behind baby Su Mo, protecting baby Su Mo's body. While watching the fountain spraying various water splashes, she smiled and talked to baby Su Mo.

I don’t know what Baby An said to baby Su Mo. Baby Su Mo clapped her hands even more enthusiastically.

As soon as Ning Zihan came over, he stood next to An Baobao. He first looked at the fountain, and then looked at An Baobao. An Baobao has a bright smile, which makes people feel in a good mood just by looking at her.

Feeling that Ning Zihan was staring at her and not looking away, Baby An felt a little uncomfortable. She raised her head and glared at Ning Zihan, and then continued talking to baby Su Mo with a smile on her face.

Baby Su Mo looked at the fountain for a while, then he felt it wasn't fun anymore, and turned his eyes to other things. When he was looking around, he finally noticed Ning Zihan. When he saw Ning Zihan, an acquaintance, he grinned. : "Uncle"

Ning Zihan immediately bent down, with a tigerish face, facing the smiling face of baby Su Mo, and said in a stern tone, "Call me brother."

Baby Su Mo was frightened and cried immediately, and even crawled into An Baobao's arms, looking like a pitiful little boy who wanted to protect him.

Seeing that her brother was so frightened by Ning Zihan, An Baobao didn't even bother to stare at Ning Zihan again. She quickly picked up baby Su Mo and patted baby Su Mo's back to comfort her very gently: " If Momo doesn’t cry, if he doesn’t cry, he is just a weirdo, not a brother, you are right.”

Ning Zihan: ""

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