Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2340 Ning Zihan, what do you want to do?!

Ning Wenxian was very surprised to see Ning Zihan.

Ning Zihan strode straight upstairs and said calmly to Ning Wenxian, "I have something to ask you."

"Oh." Ning Wenxian quickly turned around, hugged the child, and went back upstairs.

Jing Jing, who continued arranging flowers in the living room, just smiled and shook his head. She had just heard what her precious daughter said at the door. As for what Ning Zihan wanted to ask Ning Wenxian, she could tell with her toes.

As soon as he entered Ning Wenxian and Su Chengyu's room, Ning Zihan asked, "What's going on with Baby and Lu Yimi?"

Ning Wenxian smiled and said, "My dear, I want to fall in love. I think Brother Yi Mi is good, so I will try dating Yi Mi as a boyfriend and girlfriend for a week. If it's suitable, let's continue the relationship."

Ning Zihan felt a little better after hearing this, and hummed: "She and Lu Yimi are not suitable."

Seeing her brother like this, Ning Wenxian felt funny and asked deliberately: "Who is she suitable for?"

Ning Zihan was direct and domineering: "Me."

Ning Wenxian laughed: "Brother, I actually want you to be with the baby, but the baby can't fall in love with you anymore, and you can't force it."

"Then she can't just talk to someone."

"It's not casual. The baby thinks Brother Yi Mi is good, so that's why."

Ning Zihan didn't listen, but said, "Call her and ask her which western restaurant she and Lu Yimi went to eat at."

Ning Wenxian did not call An Baobei immediately, but swallowed her saliva and asked very carefully: "Brother, what do you want to do?"

"I didn't do anything. I'll fight you if I ask you to. Why, you're not willing to help me with this small favor?"

"I didn't say I wouldn't help. I'll just hit you. Let's see where you went." Ning Wenxian gave the baby in her arms to Ning Zihan, then went to the bedside, picked up the mobile phone on the bedside table and gave it to Ning Zihan. Baby on the phone.

As soon as she learned that An Baobao and Lu Yimi had gone to xx restaurant, Ning Wenxian told her brother Ning Zihan.

Ning Zihan immediately returned the baby Su Tian in his arms to Ning Wenxian. Without talking to Ning Wenxian, he turned around and walked quickly downstairs.

When Ning Zihan arrived at the XX Western Restaurant, he happened to see An Baobao and Lu Yimi sitting by the window. The food had not been served yet, so Ning Zihan didn't care, strode over, and grabbed them An Baobao pulled out.

Although Lu Yimi didn't like An Baobao, An Baobao was from the Su family, so he had to protect him. When he saw Ning Zihan like this, he grabbed Ning Zihan's hand that was holding An Baobao's arm, and his expression was very sad. It was an ugly question: "Ning Zihan, what do you want to do?"

"None of your business!" Ning Zihan shook off Lu Yimi's hand, and at the same time, he used his other hand to pull An Baobei out.

But before he could take two steps, he was stopped by Lu Yimi again.

Then, Lu Yimi and Ning Zihan confronted each other.

Because of the movement here, other guests in the restaurant looked over.

An Baobei was speechless. Her skills could actually easily defeat Ning Zihan.

But the problem is, now that Ning Zihan is here, he still drags her away. According to Ning Zihan's nature, he will definitely not give up until he achieves his goal. So, she first looked at the sky speechlessly, and then said to Lu Yimi: "Uncle Lu, I'm sorry, I can't eat with you today. I'm leaving first."

Lu Yimi then gave way.

Ning Zihan immediately pulled An Baobao away. However, An Baobei was willing to go with him. Although he had no expression on his face, he was still very happy in his heart.

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