Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2343 Rumors about her and him

"I just don't want there to be misunderstandings between us and add obstacles between us." After a pause, Ning Zihan lowered his tone, seeming a little aggrieved, "I finally decided that no matter what the future holds, I want to be with you. ”

To be honest, he actually didn't want to be so rational at all.

When he found out that Lu Yimi was her boyfriend, he almost went crazy with jealousy.

Thinking about why Ning Zihan hates women, and thinking about Ning Wenxian once saying that Ning Zihan has a shadow in his heart that leads him to have a particularly pessimistic attitude towards love and marriage, and he doesn’t want to talk about it at all. She is in love, let alone getting married, so at this moment, An Baobei can still understand Ning Zihan's feelings.

The fact that Ning Zihan was able to pursue her really meant that Ning Zihan finally made up his mind.

Perhaps, this was much more difficult than she imagined.

Not knowing what to say, An Baobei didn't want to speak anymore. She pursed her lips and ate the steak that Ning Zihan had cut for her.

After eating at the western restaurant, Ning Zihan originally planned to take An Baobei to go somewhere else, but An Baobao didn't agree, so Ning Zihan didn't force it and sent An Baobao back to Su's house.

Jing Jing and the others were not surprised at all when they saw that it was Ning Zihan who was sending Baby An back instead of Lu Yimi.

An Jing even asked An Baobao to read online rumors about her and Ning Zihan.

Then, Baby An sat on the sofa in the living room and watched.

Ning Wenxian also let Ning Zihan watch.

As soon as Ning Zihan sat on the sofa opposite An Baobao, he turned on his mobile phone and browsed the Internet.

Ning Zihan watched the whole thing calmly, but An Baobei became less and less calm the more he watched.

It turned out that those who took a photo of her and Ning Zihan at the entrance of the western restaurant at noon posted the photo to the Internet. They also said that Ning Zihan himself said how he was so shameless in pursuing her, etc. As a result, the Internet is now talking about her and Ning Zihan. Ning Zihan's post.

Some people speculate that she is actually the mysterious woman Ning Zihan protected at the airport.

Some people say that Ning Zihan hates women. They are all lies.

Some people also say that Ning Zihan likes her very humble.

Some people even irresponsibly guessed that the one person who always gave her rewards was Ning Zihan, and said that if it was Ning Zihan, they would believe in (loveài) (qingqg) again.

Some people scolded Ning Zihan on the Internet for being an embarrassment to men. In order to pursue her, he even said that about himself without even a bit of man's dignity. Fortunately, he was still a dignified CEO.


Unexpectedly, the incident would become so big and make Ning Zihan so shameless. An Baobao felt a little sorry for Ning Zihan.

You know, before Ning Zihan said that she was pestering him, only a few people knew about it. Now, everyone knows that Ning Zihan is pestering her. There are even many netizens who said a lot of unpleasant things to Ning Zihan on the Internet. Not only did Ning Zihan feel extremely embarrassed, it also hurt the man's self-esteem.

An Baobei hesitated for a long time, and then said to Ning Zihan, who was sitting on the sofa opposite her, "I'm sorry, I didn't expect this."

Ning Zihan said without caring at all, "It has nothing to do with you, you don't need to apologize to me. Besides, I never care about the outside world's opinions."

Jing Jing sat aside with Su Mo and Su Xin. When he heard Ning Zihan's words, he started to appreciate Ning Zihan. A large part of the reason why people live too tiredly is that they care too much about the opinions of the outside world.

Although Ning Zihan didn't care, An Baobei still felt a little guilty.

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