Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2347 Then don’t forget

Ning Zihan didn't speak, but the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

An Baobao raised the corner of her mouth when she saw him. She didn't realize why at first, but when she realized it, she immediately hit him with a pillow angrily, "You actually (tào) lied to me?"

When Ning Zihan saw her leaning over to hit him, he subconsciously hugged her slender waist, which was close at hand, and said with a smile, "You are too stupid."

His waist was hugged by him, and it was like an electric current passed through him. An Baobao froze for a moment, and then he quickly broke away from his arms and hit him harder with a pillow. "If you touch me again, I will take it." The sword in my room will castrate you and make you a eunuch."

"" Ning Zihan was silent and then said in a low voice, "You were too close just now, and I couldn't help myself (qingqg)"

An Baobei immediately blushed and cursed even louder, "You blame me for being a rogue"

He is considered a hooligan now

Ning Zihan was silent again before asking, "Do you have any misunderstanding about the word hooligan?"

"No misunderstanding, you were just acting like a hooligan. I won't tell you anymore. Anyway, Li Junlin is your friend, not mine. If you have any conflicts with him, it is your fault." An Baobei said, He turned around and walked out quickly as if he was running away.

Ning Zihan sat on the (bed), picked up the pillow she had just used and hugged it in his arms. He watched her hurriedly walk away with blushing face, but the corners of his mouth raised little by little.

It seems that she really doesn't like Li Junlin at all. Then he would be relieved.

An Baobei quickly walked out of Ning Zihan's room, then quickly returned to her room, closed the door again, and immediately leaned her back against the door, covering her beating heart.

What's going on? Why are you jumping so fast again?


The first time her heart beat like this, she still clearly remembered that it was Ning Zihan who bent down to fasten her seat belt.

Later, I danced like this many times, all because of Ning Zihan.

It wasn't until she didn't like Ning Zihan at all that her heart stopped beating so fast, like a deer.

But now, I jumped on it again, and it was because of Ning Zihan

Could it be that she fell in love with Ning Zihan again?

"No way." Thinking of this, An Baobei held her forehead with a headache. Immediately, he shook his head and said, "No, it must be because no one has ever hugged me like that. The reason why I do that is definitely not because I have fallen in love with Ning Zihan again."

After thinking about it this way, Baby An won't have a headache. But her heart was still pounding wildly and she couldn't calm down, but she didn't care.

The next day, in the morning, An Baobao was blocked by Ning Zihan as soon as he left the room.

"What are you doing?" Seeing Ning Zihan standing in front of her, refusing to let her pass, An Baobei was very angry.

"I'll go back later."

"Go back when you go back. What does it have to do with me? Get out of the way." An Baobei pushed him, but Ning Zihan still refused to get out of the way and still blocked An Baobao in the aisle.

I only heard Ning Zihan say, "Then don't forget it."

"Don't forget anything." Baby An didn't understand what he meant at all.

"Lu Yimi."

"What's up with him"

"Stop falling in love with him casually." After a pause, he said again, "You are not suitable."

"It's none of your business whether you bother me or not." An Baobei stopped being polite to him, pushed him away hard, and went downstairs.

Ning Zihan knew that she had listened, so he went back to the room to get something before leaving the Su's house.

Before leaving Su's house, he passed by the dining room and shouted to An Baobao inside, "Baby, I'm leaving."

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