Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2351 Are you so ruining my character?

"Besides," Li Junlin continued, "my parents and her parents have looked at the date and said that the eighteenth of this month is a good day, and they also hope that we get married on this day."

"Congratulations then."

"Thank you!" Because he was getting married, Li Junlin, who was originally indifferent and distant, now spoke with joy and happiness. "You must come that day. If you don't come, I will have someone tie you up."


"By the way, I have a question. Early tomorrow morning, my family and the Wutong family will announce our marriage to the public. Your sweetheart should know about it, so what should we do?"

"I have canceled the account of 'one person'. It doesn't matter if she finds out. At most, she will think that you were playing tricks on her before."

"Go away! Obviously that 'person' is you! Now you are asking me to take the blame for you. You have ruined my character like this. Remember to give me more money!"


"Then I'll hang up. Wutong calls me down." Before Ning Zihan could respond, Li Junlin hung up over there.

Putting the phone back aside, Ning Zihan was really glad at this moment that he had canceled his 'one person' account, otherwise he wouldn't know how to deal with An Baobei with the 'one person' account again.

As soon as he simply packed his luggage, Ning Zihan went to the airport, and then took a plane to S city.

As for Ning Zihan coming again, An Baobei has become accustomed to it these days and doesn't feel anything wrong at all, just like this is Ning Zihan's other home.

In the evening, An Baobao watched TV in the living room after dinner. Ning Zihan did not go upstairs and watched TV with An Baobao.

An Baobei originally didn't want Ning Zihan to watch the TV with her, but she felt that her reaction was a bit big and didn't want to show it immediately. So, after Ning Zihan watched the TV with her for fifteen minutes without saying a word, she said: He stood up and went upstairs to his room without saying a word.

When Ning Zihan saw An Baobao returning to his room, he did not follow him upstairs immediately. Instead, he heated a glass of milk and took it upstairs. When passing by An Baobao's room, he knocked on An Baobao's door.

An Baobei heard the knock on the door and came to open the door. When she saw it was Ning Zihan, she became angry: "What are you doing? You don't want to come into my room and watch TV with me, do you?"

Ning Zihan was not angry at An Baobao's attitude at all, nor did he say anything to An Baobao. Instead, he handed the milk in his hand to An Baobao.

An Baobei took it subconsciously.

Ning Zihan turned around and left, going to the guest room where he stayed at Su's house.

An Baobei watched Ning Zihan disappear from sight, then lowered her eyes and looked at the hot milk in her hand. She didn't know if it was the temperature of the milk or something else. Anyway, her hands were warm and her heart seemed a little warm.

The next day, as soon as An Baobei appeared at the stairs on the second floor, he was greeted by Su Chengyu who was sitting in the living room downstairs and hurried downstairs.

An Baobao quickly went downstairs obediently and asked curiously: "Second uncle, what's going on?"

"Li Junlin is getting married! The wedding is scheduled for the 18th of this month! I read in the news that Li Junlin and the only daughter of the Li family who have never been exposed are childhood sweethearts, and their relationship has been particularly good since then." General Su Chengyu The phone was handed to her and displayed on the screen was the news that the two wealthy families in City A, the Li family and the Li family, had announced at the same time that they were marrying each other.

It is a well-known fact that the Li family and the Li family are family friends. It is actually very normal that Li Junlin and Li Wutong are childhood sweethearts.


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