Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2354 I don’t feel it yet

Ning Zihan said calmly: "I peeled it for you." As he said that, he picked up the coffee and took a sip. By the way, he gave An Baobao a glass of hot milk that he had just poured.

Baby An: ""

While Jing Jing was feeding Su Xin's friend in her arms, she was snickering at the scene between An Baobao and Ning Zihan.

Su Changyi hated Ning Zihan, but he didn't hate Ning Zihan's kindness to his precious daughter. His baby girl is the baby of him and his wife, and he doesn't want others to treat his baby girl badly at all.

Therefore, Su Changyi didn't even look at Ning Zihan and An Baobei, but instead fed the guy in his arms with Jing Jing.

Ning Zihan never eats eggs or drinks milk for breakfast, and An Baobei can't give Ning Zihan's eggs and milk to others, so there is no choice but to eat them.

In the past, An Baobei would have chosen to waste nothing, eat or drink, and would rather be cold. It didn't matter to her. But since she joined charity, she has never wasted anything again, especially food.

And An Baobei was sure that Ning Zihan was determined not to waste this point now.

After breakfast, Ning Zihan went upstairs.

An Baobao originally planned to sit with An Jing and the others in the living room, but suddenly remembered something and hurriedly chased upstairs and called Ning Zihan: "Hey, Ning Zihan! Wait!"

"Huh?" Ning Zihan stopped and turned around.

An Baobao ran up to him, panting for several times, then hesitated for a while, and then said in a good voice: "I understand now that you said before that the Li Junlin in your eyes is the same as Li Junlin in my eyes." What does it mean that King’s Landing is absolutely different?”

Ning Zihan's lips curled up slightly: "It's a good thing you didn't fall in love with him."

His smile was a bit dazzling in her eyes at the moment. An Baobei immediately stopped being shy and rolled her eyes at him, "I don't like him, and I won't like you again! What are you talking about!"

"It's not a shame, it's a blessing." He corrected him good-naturedly. Only towards her could he have such a good temper.

When he did this, she remained silent. After a long while, she asked: "You have been chasing me for half a year and I still haven't caught up with you. Aren't you tired?"

"I don't feel tired yet." He told the truth. Then, he said uncertainly: "Maybe I am the kind of person who is dedicated to love."

An Baobei's heart skipped a beat. She didn't know whether it was to cover up or force herself to ignore this feeling. She immediately hummed: "They say 'birds of a feather flock together', you have such a good relationship with him, he If you are no longer dedicated, don’t expect yourself to be dedicated.”

Ning Zihan just smiled and said nothing more.

Seeing that Ning Zihan didn't answer, An Baobei had nothing to say, and since he looked at her with such a smile, which made her very uncomfortable, she turned around and went downstairs again.

As she went downstairs, she was still muttering in her mind: "I haven't seen him smile much before. Why is it that he seems to smile like that only to her recently?"

Muttering in her heart, Baby An was a little troubled. She felt that Ning Zihan was affecting her more and more, and she could no longer pretend that Ning Zihan didn't exist.

Ning Zihan was not annoyed, but he was not stupid. He clearly felt that there had been some changes between him and An Baobao, and it was a good change, and he was very happy with this development.

As for whether he was devoted or not, he actually didn't know. He only knew that so far, he had only liked her.

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