Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2363 Because I care, I will always remember

An Baobei replied to a netizen, saying that her boyfriend didn't want to be exposed, so he kept hiding it.

This reply immediately became popular.

As soon as An Baobao finished sending this reply, her phone rang. When she saw that it was Ning Zihan, she didn't want to answer it at first. Yesterday, her face was so hot that it was scary. Although she didn't want to admit it, she had to admit that now Ning Zihan can really influence her.

But thinking that she didn't answer the phone, maybe Ning Zihan would call. Now Ning Zihan was still pursuing her hottie. Thinking of this, An Baobei answered the call.

An Baobao just hung up the phone yesterday. Ning Zihan originally thought that An Baobao would have to have trouble with him for two days before she would answer his call. Unexpectedly, she answered the call today. However, he didn't care about it, and instead saw An Baobei. When the call was connected, he opened his mouth and asked: "Who is your boyfriend?"

She knew he was calling because of the Weibo she had just posted. An Baobei was speechless and wanted to roll her eyes, "Are you stupid? I lied. Seeing that everyone is still cheating on me and you for CP, I feel unhappy and want everyone to stop. That's why."

Ning Zihan breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I thought you were looking for someone to talk to again."


"Hey!" An Baobao yelled angrily. "Am I just such a casual person?!"

Ning Zihan immediately snorted: "The last time you dated Lu Yimi, it was really casual."

"Get out! It was just once. It happened a long time ago. We only tried to talk for two days, and you still remember it now. Can't you remember something else in your mind?! You must hold on to this!"

"Because I care, I will always remember."

An Baobao's face suddenly became hotter, and her heart started to beat loudly. Damn, why is this person talking more and more?

He said he liked her before, but she didn't feel anything at all. Why now?

Thinking about the fact that he used to copy and paste other people's disgusting love quotes on the Internet, and he copied and pasted so many of them, could this be the so-called "familiar reading of 300 Tang poems, but he can also recite them without knowing how to compose them"?

But this progress is too fast!

It was so disturbing to her.

As a result, An Baobao panicked even more and said incoherently: "It doesn't matter whether you remember it or not, I lied anyway. Hang up, I have something else to do!" After that, she really hung up the phone.

Although Ning Zihan is used to being hung up on by An Baobao, he is not stupid and is very smart. He can feel his influence on An Baobao now, and An Baobao hangs up the phone in such a hurry. It is obvious that He was escaping from something, which made him feel very good instantly.

"It turns out to be an escape." Ning Zihan tapped the fingers of his right hand gently on the desk surface, and the corners of his mouth raised involuntarily.

Now, he still had the feeling that Bai was hurt by her yesterday, but despite this feeling, he was not angry at all.

It was those things yesterday that led to these things today and his little discovery now. It was too late for him to be happy, so how could he be angry.

An Baobei usually broadcasts live once a week. She did live broadcast last night. Naturally, she did not live broadcast tonight. Because she was worried about Ning Zihan, who was now very influential to her. At night, An Baobao tossed and turned and couldn't sleep at all. There were always thoughts in her mind. Thinking of Ning Zihan and herself.

She didn't want to fall in love with Ning Zihan anymore.

Really don't want to at all.

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