Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2373 Go to the beach to relax

Jing Jing laughed: "Obviously you are quite satisfied with how he protects the baby. Okay, you should deal with it quickly. If you don't deal with it, the baby won't know what they will scold."

Su Changyi said: "Even if I don't handle it, Ning Zihan will handle it well. After all, he is a big president. If he can't handle such a trivial matter well, he doesn't need to be the big president."

An Jing is even more amused.

An Baobei was very touched that Ning Zihan protected her so much.

Su Changyi said nothing more. As he went downstairs, he called Lu Yimi to deal with the matter.

Because Su Changyi and An Jing appeared together in An Baobao's live broadcast room, and An Baobao even called Su Changyi and An Jing Jing his parents. This scene was cut into a short video by fans and posted on the Internet, so that even if those black fans said bad things about An Baobao, it would be a mess. No one believed it at all.

Seeing that Ning Zihan and Su Changyi had joined the battlefield, the anti-fans did not dare to talk nonsense anymore.

But Ning Zihan and Su Changyi still did not let this matter go. They found out that these black fans were instigated by an internet celebrity broadcaster called "Fairies Are Beautiful", and immediately brought evidence against this internet celebrity broadcaster.

And make this known to the public.

Everyone scolded the internet celebrity broadcaster one after another. Finally, the internet celebrity broadcaster couldn't stand being scolded by everyone and canceled his account.

Due to sufficient evidence and the egregious circumstances that caused an uproar on the Internet, the Internet celebrity broadcaster was sentenced to two years in prison for defamation, and was required to compensate Anbaobei for various losses totaling nearly 600,000 yuan, as well as a public apology.

An Baobei kept none of the nearly 600,000 yuan in compensation for herself. All of it was donated to welfare institutions to help those in need.

Because of the thorough investigation of this matter, it was clearly shown that An Baobao was just a victim. Therefore, An Baobei’s reputation that was initially damaged was restored.

And the total time before and after was only one month.

Although this incident has passed, An Baobao does not want to live broadcast anymore. Because of this, she finally realized that the Internet was not as beautiful as she imagined.

Seeing that An Baobao no longer wanted to live broadcast, Jingjing and the others were worried that An Baobao would regret it in the future, so they persuaded An Baobao to go and relax before thinking about it. An Baobao agreed, and the next day An Baobao went to the beach to relax alone.

The Su family has a villa by the sea. An Baobei can go over and live directly in the villa.

Jing Jing wanted to bring Su Mo and Su Xin to accompany An Baobao to relax, but An Baobao wanted to relax alone, so it was An Baobao who came to the beach to relax alone.

The blue sky, the endless sea, the warm sunshine, the gentle sea breeze, An Baobei, wearing big sunglasses, lying on the beach alone, it was so leisurely, it felt so comfortable and beautiful here.

Three hundred meters behind and to her right was the villa where she stayed.

Lying on the beach and feeling the sea breeze and waves in the villa are really different.

It was said that it was letting her relax, but in fact she had nothing to relax about, because after a month, she no longer cared at all about those scolding her on the Internet. She just didn't want to live broadcast anymore, but now that she is here, being treated like this by Hai Feng Blowing, looking at the endless sea, she was still in a good mood, as if she could let go of anything by the sea breeze.

Just when An Baobei was lying there comfortably enjoying the sea breeze, she heard footsteps and took off her sunglasses. She turned her head slightly and saw Ning Zihan walking towards her in casual clothes.

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