Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2385 I don’t need you like this!

An hour later, Jing Jing and Su Changyi came back after buying a lot of precious nutritional products. At this time, Su Haoyu's card was also ready.

Su Haoyu looked at the nutritional supplements and was very satisfied. He placed the card with the password in the nutritional supplements and planned to ask Dr. Qian to hand it over to the lifesaver who donated his bone marrow tomorrow.

At nine o'clock the next morning, Su Changyi and An Baobao accompanied Su Haoyu to the hospital for a review with their things.

The re-examination results were good, and there was no rejection reaction yet, but Su Haoyu still had to continue taking medicine.

As soon as the re-examination was completed, Su Changyi couldn't bear to force things with others, so he went downstairs and waited in the car. An Baobei and Su Haoyu handed all the nutritional supplements and cards they had brought to Dr. Qian and asked Dr. Qian to hand them over. As usual, Dr. Qian refused to hand it over, saying that they didn't want it.

But Su Haoyu and An Baobei, the old and the young, were so shameless that Dr. Qian couldn't stop them. Seeing that Dr. Qian still refused, they forced the things to Dr. Qian and ran away.

Doctor Qian chased him out, but Su Haoyu and An Baobao had already run into the elevator, and the elevator door was still closed.

Doctor Qian had no choice but to pack up the things scattered on the floor and put them aside. Then, he called Ning Zihan to see what Ning Zihan would do with them.

In the elevator, Su Haoyu and An Baobei gave each other a high-five with both hands, expressing excitedly that the matter was done.

Especially Su Haoyu, he was particularly happy. Before, he had just verbally thanked her, and asked Dr. Qian to convey it. No matter what, he still felt really sorry.

Now that he is fine and has paid for things, he feels much more comfortable.

As soon as the elevator arrived at the lobby on the first floor, it opened. An Baobao walked out with Su Haoyu with a smile. When passing by the service desk, she saw that her hands were empty. She suddenly stopped and called: "Grandpa, your medicine." I forgot to take it”

The medicine was in her hand just now. Because she wanted to give something to Doctor Qian, she casually placed the bag of medicine on the chair in Doctor Qian's office. She wanted to take it when she ran away, but she didn't want to forget it.

Su Haoyu said: "Then let's go up and get it."

An Baobei said: "What if Doctor Qian stuffs things back to us again?"

"We'll just run away when the time comes." Su Haoyu smiled like an old child.

An Baobei also laughed: "Then I'll go up alone. I'll run fast. Grandpa, you'd better wait in the car."

"It's been a long time coming out. It's good to move more. Let's go. I'll go up with you." With that, Su Haoyu turned around and walked towards the elevator.

An Baobei couldn't stop her and had no choice but to let Su Haoyu go upstairs with her to Dr. Qian's office to get medicine.

When the elevator opened on the floor where Dr. Qian's office was located, An Baoyu and Su Haoyu walked out of the office. Seeing that the door of Dr. Qian's office was closed, An Baoyu wanted to knock on the door out of politeness, but didn't want to. As soon as he raised his hand, Then she heard Dr. Qian's feeble voice coming from inside, causing her hand movements to pause instantly.

"Zihan, I also know that you don't lack these things. The problem is that people have forced me to hand them over. You can't let me send them back to their homes. I think this is good. If you don't want to come and get them, I will Let someone send it to the city for you.”



An Baobao and Su Haoyu looked at me and I looked at you. It was clearly written in their eyes: Could it be that the person who donated bone marrow was Ning Zihan?

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