Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2503 Return to Tianyun 69

Chapter 2503 Return to Tianyun (69)

The two of them had been married for almost half a year. Su Xin still understood why he was like this, and her face turned red immediately.

But she still spoke, very quietly: "At night, it's still daylight now."

"Okay." Tao Mingye didn't dare to kiss her or hug her anymore, so he let go of her.

Because Mrs. Huo was in the Tao Mansion, due to her hospitality, and because Tao Chengyin, the head of the family, had specifically told her to take good care of this old man, Mrs. Cao would still come to Tao Mingye every day even if she did not want to accompany Mrs. Huo. In the courtyard, Mrs. Huo was greeted warmly.

Although Mrs. Huo lived very comfortably in Tao Mansion, no matter how comfortable she was, it was not as comfortable as at home. Therefore, after only staying for three days, Mrs. Huo returned home.

As for Su Xin, she was the first to be admitted as a martial arts scholar and was discussed with great interest in restaurants and teahouses in the streets and alleys of the imperial capital.

Since ancient times, no one will remember the second place, everyone will only remember the first place.

The imperial capital is at the feet of the emperor, and Su Xin is discussed so much that even the current emperor, Su Muchen, is sitting high in the palace and can hear about it.

In addition, Su Xin was the only female martial arts scholar in so many years, and Su Xin's outstanding performance in the examination room was praised by every examiner, which also reached the ears of the emperor Su Muchen.

So, on this day, during the morning court, after listening to the reports from the ministers, Su Muchen looked at Tao Chengyin.

"Master Tao."

Unexpectedly, he would be called upon by the emperor. Tao Chengyin hurriedly stepped out of the queue. He was frightened, but his attitude was extremely respectful, "I'm here."

Su Muchen smiled and said: "I have heard about your eldest daughter-in-law in this palace. She is the only daughter of General Huo who passed away long ago, right?"

"Yes, Your Majesty." Tao Chengyin was still a little scared. However, the Emperor actually mentioned his daughter-in-law in the main hall and mentioned it by name. His face was still very bright.

Liu Buli came out and Duke Liu Guo said: "Your Majesty, I have seen that child before. Although the child was only six years old at that time, he was different from other children. He was very good at using swords at a young age."

Liu Buli was once a general, and later he was named a general, and then a marquis. It was not until Xiyun was renamed Tianyun that he was named the protector of the country. Even though he has one arm, he is deeply trusted by kings and emperors.

"No wonder" Su Muchen nodded. Immediately, he smiled again and said: "The first female martial arts scholar was born in Tianyun today, and she was still the first. I asked the officials who were invigilating the exam to ask about it. The examiners all praised her, saying that she was good at shooting on foot and on horseback. They all hit all nine shots, lift the heaviest stone, pull the most difficult bow, and answer questions fluently. He is far more qualified than a scholar, and it is more difficult than taking the Jinshi exam. He is the number one scholar——"

The top talent?

All the civil and military officials in the main hall were shocked.

Liu Buli was also very surprised. He did not expect that the official who invigilated the exam would dare to say that Huo Xiner was the top scholar. It is not a matter of whether Huo Xiner is the number one scholar or not. Once Huo Xiner fails to get the number one scholar in the future, those officials will be guilty of deceiving the emperor.

Since these officials dare to say that, they are sure that Huo Xiner will definitely pass the exam. This shows how tough Huo Xiner was in the exam at that time.

Thinking like this, Liu Buli nodded in his heart: He wanted to see the girl later. Since Huo Bubai's death, he and the Huo family rarely moved around, and he didn't know what the girl looked like now.

Tao Chengyin was even more shocked and hurriedly knelt down, not daring to raise his head: "The adults who invigilated the exam all praised me. I cannot afford to be the daughter-in-law of a humble official."

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