Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2528 Return to Tianyun 94

Whose child is that? How could he be poisoned? Ye Zhi looked curiously at the direction Tao Mingye left.

She is almost sixty years old, and this person may not be over twenty years old. To her, he is really just a child.

How could I know? Gong Juechen smiled playfully.

So what kind of poison does he have, can you detoxify it? Ye Zhi asked again.

Gong Juechen said: You don’t know what kind of poison he was poisoned by, but even if I knew what kind of poison he was poisoned by, I wouldn’t be able to cure it. Xing'er's medical skills are much better than mine now, so she may be able to solve it, but not necessarily.

When Ye Zhi heard that he couldn't understand it, and Su Yixing might not be able to understand it either, he stopped meddling in his own business: "Forget it, leave him alone, hurry up and buy me glutinous rice cakes, buy a few more pieces."

Why are you squeezing? There is no need to squeeze. I saw Gong Juechen taking out a one hundred tael silver note from his arms and shouting loudly to the crowd gathered around the shop window to buy glutinous rice cakes: "Who dropped this one hundred tael? If no one claims it, I will do it myself." wanted!

Those people immediately turned around in a swarm and rushed towards Gong Juechen, shouting: Mine! mine! be mine!

Gong Juechen smiled seductively at Ye Zhi, and then forced the one hundred taels in his hand to Su Changyi.

You go to him to claim it.

After saying that, Gong Juechen bypassed those people and went to buy glutinous rice cakes.

Everyone went to Su Changyi to claim the one hundred taels, and there was no one at the window of the shop. Gong Juechen easily bought glutinous rice cakes, and some of various flavors.

When he came back after buying large and small bags of glutinous rice cakes, he saw Su Changyi looking at him with a dark face.

Gong Juechen immediately smiled playfully: In order to buy glutinous rice cakes for your wife and my wife to try, I can't sacrifice myself alone, so you shouldn't sacrifice at all.

He sacrificed one hundred taels, and Su Changyi was almost annoyed by the group of people just now. In the end, Su Changyi threw away the one hundred taels. Whoever grabs it gets it. So, Su Changyi can be regarded as a sacrifice.

Jing Jing only thought it was funny, but she still smoothed things over and said, "Ms. sir, I really want to try it."

Su Changyi then softened his expression and no longer had a dark face.

Gong Juechen said to Ye Zhi as if he was offering a treasure: Zhizhi, I bought some of various flavors. What do you want to eat?

When Ye Zhi heard this, he immediately said happily: Well, let's go sit down in a teahouse and drink tea while tasting this.

They don't have any problem with Anjing.

After sitting down by the window in a private room on the second floor of a teahouse, Ye Zhi hurriedly took the glutinous rice cakes from Gong Juechen's hand, opened the paper bags one by one, and placed them on the table.

Ye Zhi picked up a glutinous rice cake with red dates and took a bite. After tasting the taste, she immediately praised: It's not sweet, not greasy, and not sticky to the teeth. It tastes just right and has a refreshing aroma. It's unlike anything I've eaten before. The taste is really different, boss, please try it quickly, it’s really delicious.

Jing Jing took a piece of red bean and glutinous rice cake that Su Changyi handed her. After tasting it, she also praised it and urged Su Changyi to try it too.

Su Changyi picked up a piece of raisin glutinous rice cake and tasted it. When he saw that it tasted really good, he nodded.

Gong Juechen didn't need anyone to call him, he just took a piece and threw it into his mouth to eat. He has eaten good things and bad things. He doesn't care whether the food tastes good or not. The main thing is that his Zhizhi is happy.


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